Monday, April 30, 2012

Top Ten Books I'd Love to See as a Movie

So, today I get to talk about all the books I loved enough to want to watch on the big screen! This topic really excites me, because I am a MAJOR movie lover. I love movies almost as much as books, so when an awesome movie makes it to the theaters (as long as it is done well), I get to not only see my characters come to life, but I can share my favorite stories with my non-reader friends. Like... The Hunger Games. My little sister finally got to see why I love the book so much! She went and saw the movie with me (after much begging), and now she might even read the book! Victory! Anyway, onto my list! Oh, and some of these might have movies coming... but I don't keep track of which authors/publishers have sold movie rights, etc. So let me know if you've heard something!

Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard
PLEASE? I want to see the scenery and experience the cool things Bria and Rowan get to do on their adventures. I've been to Belize, and loved it. But one can't just hop over to Belize everyday! This movie would take me back, and I'm TOTALLY fine with that. Just sayin'. :)

Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Seriously. I must see these sexy dragons for myself. I have my own picture in my mind, but I want to see what Hollywood can do with this. And the mystical dragon land... and the forests. I just need to see this!

The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum
This is one of my favorite books, and it would make an awesome movie! Go read my review to get an idea of why I think so! 

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
I want to see the Aether in the sky! It sounded pretty miraculous and mysterious. Does it look like Northern Lights? MAYBE! I don't know! And I want to watch Aria and Perry's journey through the "Death Shop". Aria had never seen the outside world until she escaped to find her mom, so I think seeing everything for the first time... through her eyes would be awesome!

The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland
The B&B in North Carolina that the bulk of this book takes place in and around sounds like a piece of my dream of Heaven. This would make a beautifully picturesque movie. 

Gentlemen Prefer Nerds by Joan Kilby
This is a really fun, adventurous, romantic, suspenseful mystery and I was seriously thinking the other day that I'd love to watch it! I bet it would be kind of like Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. I love that movie!

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Ok, seriously, If the only thing I can see is a short film of the sexy masquerade ball, I'd be just fine. The tension can be cut with a knife, plus I'd LOVE to see all the costumes I read about!

On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves
Hello. This would be so much better than Castaway with Tom Hanks. No offense... it's just this island is way more exciting than his. 

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle
What a cute movie this book would make! We have three short stories, but they are interwoven so it would totally work. PLUS, it takes place during a blizzard! At Christmastime. I mean, who here wants to see John Green's story of the blizzardy journey to the Waffle House? No, the better question is... who DOESN'T? I was dying of laughter.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I want to see New Beijing. And I want to see this cyborg Cinderella, and her mechanical friend Iko. I just know it would be amazing.

So, what are some of your book-to-movie wishes?


  1. I feel like Let It Snow would be like a teenage Love, Actually, which I would totally support.

    I so do not want to see a Firelight movie. I have the same concerns there as I did with the book. How would they deal with the parts where she's making out with mr sexy and starts changing into a dragon. How does he not notice he's making out with dragon lips? Do they even have lips? Blech.

  2. LOL! Yes, I'd be okay too if I could only see the sexy masquerade ball in Incarnate! It sounded AMAZING! Also YES to Under the Never Sky! I would love to see how it translates to a movie!!

  3. You picked books that I have never read but I don't doubt your choices, I am sure they'd all make wonderful films!

  4. Even though the rights have already been sorted, I can't wait for "The Fault In Our Stars".

    I would also say "The Name Of The Star" and "Divergent", but the chances of "Divergent" being done as a film would be affected by the fact that "The Hunger Games" is so successful.

  5. I definitely agree with a lot of the books you suggested, especially Wanderlove, which I think would make a fantastic film!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana