Monday, April 30, 2012

How do YOU Review a Memoir?

Recently, I reviewed a memoir that I really disliked. I do my very best to not attack the author when I review their book, but with memoirs... the main character is the author. Because I disagreed with this main character's behavior, I also disagreed with the author's behavior. The author's feelings were hurt, and they attacked my opinions publicly on a social media network.

It's very hard to review a memoir, because it is so much more personal to the author than a fictitious story. It takes a lot of courage to publish a story about an important part of your life, because people will rip it apart and judge you. I do admire authors who do that. However, in doing so people will critique their ways. I feel it is my job and responsibility to share my opinions with my readers, who have gotten to know me and my reviews. I do my best to always explain the things I liked in addition to things I did not. Even if I hate a book, I can come up with one or two redeeming qualities for it. Shouldn't that matter more than my opinion of the author? I mean, if I state that I took a lot away from the book and learned a lot about myself, isn't that more important than my opinion of what the author chose to do or not do?

So I guess what I'm asking is this: If you receive a memoir or biography, how do you go about reviewing it? Do you critique the writing only, or do you discuss the "characters" (who are real-life people) too? It's a tricky situation, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. If this has never happened to you, what would you do?


  1. I don't. IF you find this to be uncomfortable, you can reject the offer to read and review it. Some authors are really touchy with this kind of thing and I can imagine it's exacerbated if it's a memoir.

    In future if you are just too uncomfortable with it, I'd just not accept any memoirs for review. If you're not, then the author will just have to is YOUR OPINION, that they asked for. You are allowed to feel however you do about it.

  2. I've never received a memoir specifically for review, so I can't speak from experience, but I do read a lot of them...

    I think I would contact the author/publisher and let them know that I didn't feel comfortable reviewing this book and (assuming they still wanted the publicity from my blog) I would offer to host an interview or guest post instead.

    Otherwise for a non-review; I would probably finish it - but may not review it.

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  3. I've never received a memoir for review, but I have reviewed a couple, if that makes any sense. In fact, I actually reviewed one I really didn't like just a few weeks ago and I said about it exactly what I would have said if it was fiction. I don't think you can do anything else really.

    What did they say to attack you?

  4. I'm really sorry that the author ripped into you because of your opinions. That's unprofessional and rude. Hopefully if you ever review another memoir the next author will be more gracious about a review.

    When I review memoirs I review them as I would any other book. The only thing I do differently is that I deliberately point out who may be drawn to the book if it wasn't my cup of tea. Someone once told me that every book has an audience but not every audience loves a book. That kind of always stuck with me.

  5. This is honestly a very tough question. Personally, I would review it as i would review any other book, but I would probably focus less on the characters and more on the overall feeling the memoir gave me.

    It was still rude of the author to attack you though, and I definitely disagree with that.


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana