Monday, July 1, 2013

Top Ten Most Intimidating Books

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at the other blog I write for, The Broke and the Bookish.

So, today's the day where I get to confess my deepest bookish confessions relating to books and why I get intimidated by them. That was a long sentence. Anyway, I've got big dreams, my friends. Big, big dreams. I want to read ALL THE BOOKS, but at the same time some of them really scare me. And that's sad, because I know many of you love a couple of the books I'm about to mention! 

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
I've seen the movie adaptations, and loved them. I want to read this SO bad, but I'm scared of it! I know the language will take some getting used to, but I'm smart! This should be no biggie. 

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
Again, I've seen the film adaptation. Maybe the book has a bunch of boring details the film left out? Buck up, Jana. It's just a book. 

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
What if I only love this because Richard Armitage plays Mr. Thornton????!!! I mean, LOOK:

Image Source

Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
1,037 pages, people!

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
909 pages! Oh man!

A Game of thrones by George R.R. Martin
864 pages. *whistles*

There's no need to even discuss these. You all know how much I hate crying! I will not do it. 

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

So... what do I do? I mean, I guess I need some motivation here. Help me out! Do I dive in, worries aside, or are some of them just not worth it? 


  1. If you have seen Pride & Prejudice, then you should be able to read it with no problems. It's not hard to understand at all. I didn't read it until after I saw the movie, and it all made perfect sense. The book is better than the movie (gasp!). I'm right there with you on liking Richard Armitage as Mr. Thornton, but I don't know if I could read North & South either. I would love to read Gone With The Wind too, but it's soooo long! I have read If I Stay and The Time Traveler's Wife. Keep the tissues nearby when reading these.

    1. I am so motivated now that you've mentioned that the P&P book is better than the movie! Nobody has ever told me that!

  2. Game of Thrones made my list too. It's just so hyped, especially with the TV series as well. Great list!

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty much interested because of the hype. I've never seen the TV series.

  3. Game of Thrones is on my list, too - for some reason I cannot bring myself to read it. I hope you pick up The Fault In Our Stars! I won't lie and say you won't cry because you probably will, but honestly it's such an incredible novel, my favorite of John Green. Nice choices!

    1. Bah! I'm just so scared of The Fault in Our Stars! Cancer really scares me...

  4. Yes, you will cry like a baby in Fault and Time Traveller... But sometimes a good cry can feel so good!

    1. See, I've never been one of those people who feel liberated after crying. I feel swollen, puffy, and tired. Haha.

  5. Ugh I hate books that make my cry, haha. That's why I rarely read them.
    I did read TFiOS and it was good. And ASoIaF is an amazing series, absolutely worth the time and slow progression.

    My TTT
    My DESIGNS blog

    1. I really think it's time to start A Game of Thrones... And I'm glad I'm not the only one who steers clear of sad books!

  6. AAAH! You haven't read Pride and Prejudice!! Go do it right now, I'll wait!
    See, of course you are smart enough to read it!!
    Also: The A Song of Ice and Fire books are SO GOOD! I know they're huge, but Kelly, Kimberly and I can totally do the moral support thing while you read them :)
    And ugh, I still haven't picked up The Fault in Our Stars either! That book is scary!
    If I Stay it totally worth ugly crying over though, such a beautiful book!

    1. I KNEW you'd go nuts when you saw my lack of P&P reading... I'll do it, I promise! Haha.

      Ok, moral support for A Song of Ice and Fire books... I will need it for sure. The boxed set is so cheap on Amazon... I'm SO tempted! I'm just scared, Daisy!

    2. Haha ;) I can totally do a reread while you read P&P for the first time!
      GO BUY THE BOXED SET!! We'll be there for you through all the feels! :D

  7. Pride and Prejudice.... only the best book EVER written. :)

    It took me quite a while to get into Game of Thrones, but I really did end up enjoying it. I have the second book in the series on my list for this week just because I am intimidated by the fact that I will find it dragging at the beginning.
    Both Fault in Our Stars and If I Stay will make you cry, but oh, they are so good, beautiful and well written.

    1. Everyone keeps saying this about P&P! I'll read it! I'm SO motivated now.

      Game of Thrones... I guess I just need to jump into it. Everyone loves it!

  8. The Second Chance Summer ugly tears is SO WORTH IT! I love love love that book and it hit close to home for me. Just read the end when you are home. :-)

    I have P&P on my list too. I'm just not that into it really.

    My TTT List

    1. Bah. See!? Ugly tears make me hyperventilate!

  9. Oh, I SO get you on the size fear and the emotion fear. I have a few books like that on my own list. I want to read Hopeless so badly, but I know I'm going to bawl most of the way through it. Eek!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

    1. AH. I didn't even know Hopeless was an ugly tears book! I'm scared now! Haha.

  10. A Game of Thrones & TFIOS are so worth the read. They're some of my favourite books ever!

    Here's my TTT :

    1. I really need to muster the courage. You're not the only one who has told me this!

  11. I would highly recommend both Pride and Prejudice and North and South. Because you're familiar with the adaptations I'm sure you'll be able to slip right into them in no time! Both are easy-to-read and extremely engaging :)

    I've read Gone With The Wind but there are times I wished I hadn't. Despite its size I was able to make it through in a couple of days, but I'm in the minority of people who absolutely detest Scarlett. It's lucky that I didn't simply throw the book through a window halfway through.

    I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one to put Second Chance Summer on my Top Ten Tuesday list this week! I know I'll probably end up loving it when I finally push myself to read it because I know Morgan Matson is a talented author, but the fear of the potential emotional devastation is what has prevented me thus far :(

    1. P&P and N&S are definitely at the top of my priority list. Thanks for the encouragement!

      See, I'm really worried I'll also hate Scarlett. I haven't even seen the movie, so maybe I should try that first.

      I LOVE Morgan Matson! I'm just really scared of Second Chance Summer. I guess I need to start preparing myself! Haha.

  12. YOU MUST READ THE FAULT IN OUR STARS! It's so so worth it and so beautiful. I only really lost it within the last few pages but it's still just too lovely not to read.

    Em @Emma Jane Reads Books

  13. Wow a lot of these are on my list too! Gone with the Wind is definitely an intimidating one. It's soooo long! It can be like 2-3 books in one! I guess that is why it is a classic. Haha. Great picks :)

    My TTT:

  14. I feel the same way about North and South. I mean, RICHARD ARMITAGE! But for P&P, it does take a chapter or two to get into the flow of the language, but then it's no problem. And the story and characters are wonderful.

    I have read The Thornbirds, too. I really liked it while I was reading it. I mean, it's crazy with the Meggie and the Catholic priest thing, but I loved the setting.

    Good luck :)

  15. Ahh Richard Armitage! I seriously love that BBC mini series but I haven't read the book yet either. You should definitely give Second Chance Summers and Pride and Prejudice a chance both are really great!

    -Mari @ The Sirenic Codex

  16. Watch Colin Firth a few times to get used to the language and then dive right in to P&P :) Gone with the Wind is so good! It actually follows the movie pretty closely.

    My TTT

  17. I read all 5 in the game of thrones series in 3 weeks. They are quick reads and super engrossing if you are into that sort of thing

  18. Thanks for adding more books to my cry list (hahaha) Interesting picks. It is hard to read classics because there is so much pressure to like or at least "get" them. Hope you can get to some of these eventually.

  19. I put Austen on my Top 10 Most Intimidating list as well, simply because I DO NOT GET THE HYPE. I've read it twice, once for school and tried again on my own but it was so boring!

    Gone With the Wind holds a special place in my heart; I usually re-read it every summer! Maybe it's my obsession with the South. You should definitely give it a read!

    The Time Traveler's Wife is so beautiful and one of my favorites. Indulge in a good cry in the end and fall in love with this quirky, timeless love story! SO GOOD. Great list - very original choices!

  20. Ha! I am right there with you on the NO CRYING front! I refuse to read The Fault In Our Stars! I have read If I Stay and LOVED IT. It is sad... but I didn't cry. Plus, it is just way too good not to read--- and then you'll need to read Where She Went, which is even better! Second Chance Summer was supposed to be our next book club pick, but I banned it. hahaha I hate books about illness and death!

  21. I've read all but The Time Traveller's Wife on your cry list and they are ALL worth it. Completely beautiful books that you will not be able to put down

  22. I couldnt get into Pride and Prejudice to save my life. Found the writing awful. Will try at least one more Jane Austen novel - if I dont like that one, then apparently I'm not a fan


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana