Thursday, August 2, 2012

TGIF (#1): Book Olympics

TGIF is hosted by GReads, and is a fun meme where we get to answer a bookish question and provide a recap on the past week's events on the blog. Hopefully we learn more about each other this way!

This week, Ginger has given us an awesome question to answer in honor of the Olympics going on right now! Are you enjoying them? I know I am!


Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard

This book changed how I view myself as a person. It made me realize that life is supposed to be filled with adventure and excitement and love and self-discovery. I read this shortly before going on a 6-week whirlwind trip of Europe, and I definitely appreciated traveling more after reading this. I viewed my trip differently, and even though I got extremely ill while I was gone, I came away knowing more about myself than I ever thought I'd learn from a trip. 


The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland

This is such a sweet, happy story of a girl whose summer brings about a few completely life-changing decisions. I could jump inside this book and stay for a long time. I loved the setting and the characters. It was the most picturesque snapshot of the life everyone dreams of living. 


Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

This was my very first romantic contemporary, and I loved it. I love Paris and falling in love and french boys and likeable heroines. This really is the best love story I've read in a while. I know you know what I mean!

Haha. See a trend here? Sweet, contemporaries. I never ever thought I'd be a contemporary romance lover! So, what which books would you give medals to?

Haha. Nothing has happened on the blog this week! I feel so bad! The Olympics have put a major hold on my reading, plus I started a new job on Monday, and I've been trying to figure out how to balance a full-time job with reading and blogging. It's SO hard! I honestly feel like I have no time. I work from 9:45 to 6:30, am not allowed to read or blog on the job (unless it's during my 30-minute lunch break or one of my two 15-minute breaks), and I have to go to sleep earlier than I used to. So, do you have any advice? How do you squeeze reading and blogging into your already jam-packed life?


  1. I loved Anna and The French Kiss as well! And I'd like to read Wanderlove.
    *New follower. :)
    Here's my FF/TGIF.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Wow that's great! I love when books really make you look at things differently!! I actually haven't read any of these yet, so it looks like I better get on it! :)

  3. made me want to read Wanderlove.

  4. I absolutely ADORE Wanderlove and Anna & the French Kiss. They're both amazing contemps!

    And as for blogging/working, I just try to make time before or after work to do things. And I schedule things WAY in advance whenever I can. I'm a little lucky though; I can do blog stuff while I'm in the office too!

  5. I love Anna and the French Kiss! :)

    Also: the only answer is no sleep... If I could just stay up all night and function the next day, I would catch up on all my blogging and reading and everything...
    Good luck with the new job!!

  6. Congrats on the new job. I have heard Anna and the French Kiss is good, I will definitely have to add it to my TBR list.
    My TGIF

  7. I loooooved Anna and the French Kiss! Especially Etienne!

  8. Anna and the French Kiss and Wanderlove are great reads! I've yet to read The Summer My Life Began but it looks good, too!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana