Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bookish Finds: DIY Craft Edition

Bookish Finds is a feature here at That Artsy Reader Girl, where I highlight awesome bookish things I come across during my exciting life.

I LOVE being crafty. And I love being bookish! I was delighted to discover that there are ways to combine those two elements of my life. I've compiled some awesome craft projects for bookish people that I've come across on Pinterest and the internet in general. Hopefully I can make all of these someday!

Table runner made of old book pages.
Learn how to do it here.
Book page candle jars.
Here's how you do it!
Book wall art!
Find the instructions here.

Book page wreath. I LOVE this!
Make it!

Cover bricks in fabrics that match your decor for some awesome, cheap bookends!

So, what do you think? Have I awakened your inner craft bug? You MUST let me know if you do, or have done, any of these!


  1. The table runner looks pretty, but I wouldn't make it since I use all of my tables to eat and books get pretty germy.

  2. I like the wall art! It's so pretty :)

  3. I think the table runner is gorgeous but I'd be so worried about ruining it! But I do love the book wall art with the bird print, I want to try doing that but I think I'd be sad about ripping the pages out of a book ;)

  4. Oh wow...that table runner is beautiful! I'd be so worried about ruining it though.

    :) My mom has been making those wreathes. They're so cute.

  5. These are so cool! You are awesome for linking them! I'm going to go check out the how-to's now! :)

  6. Love all this! Thanks for the links!

  7. Fantastic ideas! I especially like the bookends. Thanks so much for sharing :)

  8. These are all so cute - love the book page wreath especially.

    Tanya Patrice

  9. Ooh love this post! I'm not a very crafty person but hooray for book crafts.


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana