Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

To all my readers from the USA, happy 4th! I really love the 4th of July because of what it represents: our freedom. I'm free to worship the way I want, read what I want, and voice my opinions. I live in an awesome country.

I'm going to a Beach Boys concert tonight, followed by a spectacular fireworks display, which I can't wait for. I'm also going to have a delish dinner from one of the best local Mexican grills. It's going to be a wonderful day, and I hope yours will be too. Be safe in all your activities, and eat lots of food! Oh, and don't burn your state down. We've been hit by a lot of fires over here in the West lately, so please be careful!

(<--- Can I have one of these?)

So, what are you doing today? :)


  1. Sounds like a good plan! I'm going to eat dinner and then see the fireworks with my family.

  2. Watched fireworks downtown Raleigh, NC. They were sadly small and low to the ground- rather pathetic actually. The mayor was on the news the next day apologizing lol. I hope your fireworks show was better!

  3. Happy 4th of July! That sure looks good. Hope you had a fun day :)


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana