Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA 2012: Meet That Artsy Reader Girl!

Armchair BEA is a fun online event that those of us who could not attend BEA in New York City can participate in! There's ways to network with other bloggers, posts on blogging tips, giveaways, and happenings at BEA from people who are there. Visit the Armchair BEA blog to see a schedule of events!
Today's post is all about networking, and getting to know other bloggers participating in the event. Hopefully we can all make some new friends! So, here are five things about me (the questions were provided by the creators of the event)! 

Meet Jana

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

Well, I'm Jana! I'm a graphic designer, substitute teacher, world traveler, art history lover, and bookahaolic! Oh, and I'm turning 25 this month. Oh. My. Heck. I started out blogging with The Broke and the Bookish back when the blog was born in June of 2010. Jamie, the creator of the Goodreads College Students group, thought it would be a fun idea, so about 10 of us joined together and entered the blog world. I'm not sure any of us thought the blog would grow so big so quickly. In November of 2011, I decided to break off of TB&TB (don't worry! I still write there too!) and run a solo blog so I could post reviews more frequently. I absolutely love the blogging community, and have had so much fun getting to know all my blogger friends! I've also found a deeper love for reading than I ever imagined. 

2. What is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard (read my review!). I connected so much with that book. Bria, the artsy main character, had the courage to do something I had always dreamed about! She took off on an amazing traveling adventure, fell in love, and learned a lot about herself. About a week ago, I returned home from a 6-week extravaganza through Europe with my mom. I didn't fall in love, but I learned SO much about myself. I came home wanting to read Wanderlove all over again, because I would be able to connect with it on a whole new level. Perhaps a re-read is necessary!

3. If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

I recently hosted a tour stop on the Of Poseidon by Anna Banks official tour. I got to interview her after reading her amazing book! She is so hilarious and so down-to-earth. I'd love to have dinner with her (and I would hope she'd bring along Emma and Galen), and then go pedestrian-hunting. Check out the interview and giveaway of Of Poseidon here.

4. What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

I want to visit the world in Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. It's a crazy-sounding place, with virtual realms and the Aether (which sounds SO much like van Gogh's Starry Night). It's a dangerous place, I know, but I would absolutely LOVE to see it! 

5. What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?

I love all the people, the authors, the publicists, and publishers. Book lovers are the coolest people in the world. It does not matter where we live, what we do for a living, or what we think. We all love books, so we're all connected. The bookish discussions and recommendations have changed my views on so many things, changed my preferences on books, and really shaped my own blogging persona. I've made some lifelong friends, and I know I will always have at least one person to cry over fictional characters with! 

Thanks for stopping by! It's so nice to meet you (or see you again)! Please leave me a link to your intro post so I can get to know you better, and if you're not participating in Armchair BEA, please tell me something about yourself that I don't know already!


  1. Hey Jana! This is my first time here, but I love the look of your blog! It's so adorable. :)

    Wanderlove is VERY high on my to-read list! It seems like just about everybody in the book blogosphere has loved it, and I can't wait to find out what all the hype is about!

    And I'm turning 22 this month. Yay for June birthdays! :)

  2. Jana, I love your blog! It's so cute and personal. I'm glad I stumbled upon it. Everything you answer in question five is EXACTLY what I am looking for as a new blogger. Yay! New people to cry with over fictional characters! :P I look forward to your ABEA posts.

  3. Hi Jana!!! *waves* Ohh wow, graphic designing, substitute teachers... that list is long. There's nothing wrong with the age I tell you. So nice to hear your story!

    I want to read Wanderlove too, I need to get a copy of that.

    I'm hearing nothing but good things about Of Poseidon, I hope to read it soon.

    We Fancy Books

  4. I loved Wanderlove as well, I admired the way Bria took the plunge to see that part of the world in a less touristy and constructed sort of way. Nice to visit your personal blog, I've only seen your posts on TB&TB before!

  5. Six weeks in Europe sounds great. Here's the link to my intro.

  6. Nice to meet you Jana! Wanderlove sounds like a good one, I must look out for that one.

    Here's mine:

  7. Wanderlove was such a great book!

    I'd love to visit the world in Under the Never Sky...just not deal with the threats on my life. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  8. 6 weeks in Europe? I am jealous! Glad you are still with the blogging community.

  9. You're braver than me - I'd only visit that world if I knew I wasn't going to get fried by the Aether! I do love reading about it though :-)

    And totally agree about the awesome blogging community!

    Pleased to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Intro Post.

  10. I really need to take some time off and go traveling. Hope you enjoy your week!

  11. Hi Jana! awesome blog!! I really would like to travel!

  12. Hi Jana! I think it's cool that you started out with The Broke and the Bookish. Jamie has been so nice and supportive of our blog! Also, I'm quite jealous about your trek in Europe. I went there last summer but it was...alright. I hope to revisit to improve my trip!

  13. Hey Jana!

    I love your interview! That's so cool you took a trip through Europe like that and I definitely think it sounds like a re-read is in order! That sounds really cool to be able to connect with the characters even more after that!

    And everything about the book blogging community is so true! Love your answer. I'm totally planning on sticking around. :) So nice to meet you!

    Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by!

  14. I love the community too! That's my favorite part :)

  15. Hi Jana! Nice to meet you! :) It's awesome that you're a graphic designer! I'm actually taking a graphic design class this term (well it's nearly over now). I don't think I'll be making it as a designer though :P I'm more of a coder, I guess! Design can still be a bit of a challenge for me. It's so awesome that you participated in an Of Poseidon tour! I haven't read the book yet but I'm DYING to! I've heard such amazing things about it and I've never read a mermaid book before. I'm hoping I can read this one soon!

  16. I do love the book-blogging world. It's a great place! My sister recently read Wanderlove and really enjoyed it as well, so that's awesome! it's nice to finally "meet" you! :-)


  17. I absolutely love your blog! It's so cute and easy to read and the layout is great!
    It's so great to meet you!!
    Hope you have a great Armchair BEA week!
    Here's my post:

    xo Stephanie

  18. Hi There!

    The book bloggers that I have met have all been really nice, it is such a great community! :)

  19. I learned so much from this post! You are awesome! It must have been so much fun to start blogging with a group of friends. That must have made it easier to start up.

  20. Hi Jana! I'm a history lover too :) and obviously a bookaholic, haha! I've followed your blog for a while, but didn't realize you were part of The Broke and Bookish - cool! I can't wait to read Wanderlove, it's on my summer TBR list. WOW, 6 weeks travelling through Europe? That sounds absolutely amazing. I'm kinda jealous, haha, but I hope you had a wonderful time.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my intro post. TTYL!

  21. Nice to meet you, Jana!

    It's great meeting other book lovers, isn't it? I don't know any people around here that like to obsess/cry over fictional characters like I do! Haha. So I definitely get where you're coming from there.

    ~ Sophie

  22. I wish I lived a little more closer to some of my fellow bloggers, because I would love to meet up with them and just have one giant book excursion and merry mayhem. lol. This community is big, but it's still close-nit and really kind of rock your face off awesome. The people are helpful if you're looking for tips and tricks, there are a ton of wonderful authors and books to discover, and you just get so much out of it.

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Armchair Bea Introudction @ A Soul Unsung

  23. Nice to meet you! I love your page by the organized and pretty. :o) Wow! Europe! I bet it was wonderful!

    Maria @

  24. Jana! I love your blog, and TB&TB too. I just read what you thought of Wanderlove and I need to get this book ASAP. :)

    See you around ABEA!

  25. I completely agree with you about Wanderlove! And book lovers are definitely the most awesome people! Great to meet you, Jana!

    (Also, I love your blog! Which is why I'm following you now. ;D)

  26. Heey, we both have Under the Never Sky as a world we'd go to! They're really fantastic and so interesting. Also, YES to Wanderlove! I had panic attacks when I was reading the book because I felt so much for and like Bria. A couple months ago I got to hang out with Kirsten Hubbard and had to restrain SO hard from just attacking her with words of praise (I still did, but...less so haha).

    Happy Armchair BEA - and even though I've known you and your blog for awhile, nice to "meet" you! :)
    My Armchair BEA Intro

  27. I've had OF POSEIDON for quite a while now, but I've managed to hold off on reading it until this month, since I have my annual mermaid event coming up! Ack, I still need to read UNDER THE NEVER SKY, too. It's been on my "right away" pile while!

  28. Wow, you're lucky you got to go backpackign across Europe. I love travelling and have been to a few countries. It is just a very exhilarating experience to discover the world with our own eyes, huh?

    I love van Gogh's Starry Night and now I've got one more reason to read Under the Never Sky! Where is it on my to-read pile again?

    Nice meeting you Jana! =D

    Here is my Armchair BEA post post.

  29. Loved getting to know a little more about you, hun! xox

  30. Nice to meet you, Jana! I'm also a lover of history. You have a lovely blog. =O)

  31. Oh yes, the best part of book blogging is definitely the sense of community - I love authors, bloggers and publishers so much! It's always great to interact with people who love books as much as I do!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana