Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rewind and Review: May 2012

I love the idea that Ginger and Lisa came up with to rewind and review an older book that's been on the to-read pile for a while! I'm definitely planning to participate in this feature, because I never give myself time to read anything other than my ARCs. I get caught up in the new stuff and never have time for the books that have been patiently waiting to be read for a LONG time. So, I'm planning to read and review two amazing books published in 2010 or earlier this month.

This month, I'm planning to read three awesome books! I'm SO excited about these ones. :) Well, what can I say? I'm always excited to get to these books that have been on my shelf for a very long time! This month, I chose Jane by April Lindner and The Iron King by Julie Kagawa. I'm excited to read both, and hope to get to them soon!

Jane by April Lindner
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

Have you read either of these books? Think I'll like them?


  1. I'd like to read Jane as I think it's New Adult and I head heard a lot about Julie's books, I hope you enjoy both!

  2. OH wow, I haven't read either of them but they both have the most beautiful covers!

    Lauren @ Northern Plunder


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana