Monday, April 16, 2012

Bookish Finds: Websites for Book Lovers Edition

 Bookish Finds is a feature here at That Artsy Reader Girl, where I highlight awesome bookish things I come across during my exciting life.

Hi everyone! I'm back with more awesome bookish finds! In this edition, I'm focusing on websites for book lovers. I absolutely love finding sites that make book selections easier on me... or that make me love books more... or that make me happy I'm a reader! So here are some Internet gems I've found. :) Let me know if you've got more places for me to visit!

This site is awesome, because you can search for books based on where they take place in! So if you want to read a book set in Europe, you just select that continent. Then you can narrow it by country, and even city! I love reading books that take place in the same place I'm vacationing, so this is a very helpful site for me. 

This site was pretty small when I joined, but it's growing bigger. The creator thought that e-book readers were getting cheated out of having their books signed, so he created this site! Authors join and list their books on the site. Then we, as readers, can go and click on that book and request an autographed book cover image. The author then writes a little note, and submits it, sending it right to our Kindle! I've already gotten one, and it's pretty fun. :)

This site's pretty cool because it helps you make a tricky decision! You just select a book you love, and press enter. The site generates other book titles that readers loved as much as the one you submitted. I've found some cool titles this way.

This is a huge publisher's catalog where bloggers and other bookish people can go to see upcoming book titles, covers, summaries, etc. You can even request review copies here. 

Readers submit pictures of hot men (in every day life) reading books. Many people submit photos of their significant others, but some also snap pictures in secret of men in airports, cafes, etc. The photo commentaries are pretty funny.

As a graphic designer, I enjoy this huge archive of book covers!

From their site: "Bookins is a website where you can easily trade books and more with other readers. Bookins arranges for trades—from you to one member and from a third member back to you, and so on. You never have to contact anyone, waste time, or deal with unpleasantness. You don’t even have to visit the post office. The correct postage for your shipment is provided from the website. You value your time. We know that, and we won’t waste it. If you ever have questions or concerns about a shipment, you can simply let us know. We will resolve the issue quickly and to your satisfaction." I haven't tried this, but it might be a fun way to save money on buying books! All you ave to pay is shipping, and you don't have to go to the post office? Sign me up!

I also write for this blog. We review the content of the book, and give it a rating based on cleanliness. It's a great way to find appropriate books for kids and teens, as well as those adults who wish to avoid the smut and/or bad language in books.

Hope you enjoy this list of sites, and check them out! Let me know what you think, and definitely let me know if you've found nother good places for bookish peeps to visit!


  1. This is such a great post--thanks so much for rounding these up! The Hot Guys Reading Books one makes me laugh, hah. I love the Kindlegraph and Books Set in sites, too.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. Great list Jana! Hot Guys Reading Books cracks me up. I had never heard of it before but I'm probably going to bookmark it.

  3. Paperbackswap sounds similar to Bookins, so you may want to check out that one too.

    I am so going to be using Books Set In...I usually just ask people on Twitter. I love the site Hot Guys Reading Books and I am not ashamed. :)

    Thanks for all the headsup on these great sites.

  4. I love this post! Thanks for the list. I think I'll stay up later than usual tonight visiting the links. ♥


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana