Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top Ten Books On My List this Spring

So, apparently today is the first day of spring. Seeing as how it snowed all day yesterday, and has been all cold and wet outside today, I'm not buying it! That does not mean I'm not in the mood, though! I can't wait for sunshine, warm weather, and flowers. It's also during this part of the year that I start craving cute contemporary romances and books about people going on vacations to the beach or a cabin. Anywhere, really. So, here we have my top ten books for springtime! Some of them are new releases, and some are ones I've been trying to get to for quite a while. 

Everyone I know has read this already! I've been dying for it since the day I found out it was being published eons ago. It sounds adorable, and just like the kind of book to brighten my wintery mood.

Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs (and the sequel, Tempest Unleashed. I got both from Netgalley, so thanks!)
Hello, young adult mermaid romance novel! I am SO excited. Mermaids are my FAVORITE! And seriously, do mermaids not scream warm weather, white sand beaches, and undersea fun?

Duh. I'll just leave it at that. I loved Delirium so much. I actually read it while I was on a cruise, and the ending ripped me apart so much that I almost threw myself overboard. This has to be read really soon. REALLY soon.

Yes, please! A girl on a Mediterranean cruise? The title sold me, and Maureen is one of my favorite authors! I have a wonderful feeling that this book is going to be amazing.

The sounds like a fun little contemporary romance set in Austin, Texas with a Jane Austen spin! I love Jane Austen spin-offs, but me recent encounters with them have left me disappointed. I hope this one is amazing, and reminds me of why I love books like this so much.

This title gets me every time! It's so adorable and looooooong. And a romance in an airport? YES. (I know. How have I not read this already?) I am really excited for it!

Again, duh. Seriously? I can't believe this one is still unread. Insurgent is coming out really soon also, so I need to have this read before that one hits the shelves. I want to be cool and read book #2 when everyone else is reading it!

I have not read a book of hers yet, and this sounds like so much fun! Another plane romance. I hate planes, but love where they take you!

Ok, another one I should have read months ago. I've heard amazing things about it, and it sounds so cute!

"High school junior Francesca Manning is an outsider, an aspiring writer and secret devourer of celebrity gossip mags. A fake essay to "Seventeen" wins her the celeb-schmoozing opportunity of a lifetime, but after the plane crashes, she's stranded on a desert island with five of the most clueless, self-involved headcases to escape Hollywood." 
Haha! Sounds interesting, and fun! 

So, there you have it! Have you read any of these and loved/hated them? What's on your list?


  1. Finally! There's someone who hasn't read Catching Jordan other than me. I am totally going to read that ASAP. Great list!

    Drop by mine?

  2. Catching Jordan IS pretty cute! For some reason the cover and title to "are you going to kiss me now" cracks me up!

    Jamie @ A book club of One

  3. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight has a reat title and reat reviews from trusted sources -- I need to read this one too.
    And Girl At Sea is wonderful. Not only the main character but also the history about diving and being at sea.

  4. You chose some really good books! I really want to read Pandemonium too and I hope you love Girl At Sea, I enjoyed it :)

  5. Great choices! Pandemonium is so, so fantastic! I also really enjoyed Statistical Probability!

    I hope Spring hurries for you! We've been in the 80's for 2 weeks now. Looks like we're skipping spring and going right for summer.

  6. You need to get busy with Divergent, girl! :-)

    Here's my
    Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward to This Spring.
    I would love to have you stop by!

  7. Great list! I hadn't heard of Girl at Sea but I'll have to add that to my list. And you definitely need to get to reading Divergent! Pandemonium was very good... I finished it last night.
    Here is my Top Ten!

  8. I still need to read Divergent too! Happy reading :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by my page and commenting. I loved Divergent. It was so good I couldn't put it down. I am also looking forward to reading Pandemonium. I couldn't believe that Delirium ended the way it did. Crazy! I have read Catching Jordan and thought it was cute, Contemporary Romance is not my most fav. in the Romance area. lol I am sure you will love it.

    Happy Reading!

    Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

  10. Divergent was really good and I loved Can You Keep a Secret. It was laugh out loud funny!

  11. I haven't read Divergent yet either - it's on my list for that reason too!

    I have to admit, I didn't fall completely in love with The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - there was just something lacking for me - but it is a cute, quick read!

    Great list!

    Tara @ Hey, Tara

  12. Jana! I'm dying! You HAVEN'T READ DIVERGENT? GIRL! Hop on that so you can read Insurgent in May! :) And um, Pandemonium?! Haha. SO AMAZING. Just don't read Divergent and Pandemonium back to back. You might die of an awesomeness heart attack.

  13. I LOVED Catching Jordan! Are You Going to Kiss Me sounds great. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Divergent is amazing! You definitely need to give it a try soon. I should have put Pandemonium on my list; I've been dying to read that one too. Great choices! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Ooh I love your list. I'm also reading The Fine Truth of Art and Dare. I'm dying to read 6 of these, had read one, and the rest went on my to-read list.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    ~Danica Page
    Taking It One Page at a Time

  16. I'm not a huge fan of chick lit, but I loved Can You Keep A Secret? To be fair, I've never read a Sophie Kinsella book I haven't liked, but that one is especially good.

    I keep reading such wonderful thinks about Delirium! I really want to read it because it's been on my TBR for ages, but I'm scared it won't live up to the hype. I'm awful for hating books that I expect to like!

  17. Can You Keep A Secret is so wonderfully charming and fun! One of my favourite Kinsella titles. If you like it, I would also recommend her newest release, I've Got Your Number. I hope you enjoy The Statistical Probability..., I just fell in love with the book. Beautifully written!

    Thanks for stopping by my top ten :)

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blog is so pretty and I'm a new follower! I've just started Pandemonium -- and my heart is breaking a little more with each page. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to wait ... again. I can't believe that you haven't read any Sophie Kinsella! Pure chick lit, but she's soooooo funny. Enjoy!

  19. have to say i have to yet read all the books on your list as well.. been meaning to read quite a few of them for quite some time,
    thanks for stopping by my blog.

  20. I need to read DELIRIUM soon :D
    On the other books you have on your list, the mermaid ones sound intriguing and some other downright fun!
    I really enjoyed: Catching Jordan, Divergent (intense), The Statistical (so cute!) :D

  21. Can You Keep A Secret is such a fun read!! :) And FINALLY someone who hasn't read Divergent either! :D I'm planning to read it and then Insurgent soon as well :) And The Fine Art of Truth or Dare and the Statistical Probabily of Love At First Sight both sound like perfect spring/summery reads. Love your list!

  22. Can you keep a secret was my first Kinsella, and it was fun indeed.

  23. pandemonium is just to amazing for words!!!!thanks for stopping by mine!!


  24. I never knew about Austentatious, but, with a title like that, how could I NOT want to read it? It sounds so clever and I love reading Austeniana. You'll love Divergent, by the way. Have fun with it!

    (P.S. You're stinkin' cute, too!)

  25. Hi there, just popping in... Oh some great books here for me to add to my TBR pile, thanks. I like the sound of Tempest Rising, thanks for stopping by.

    I’m also your newest follower!

    :) Here is my choice...
    Top Ten Tuesday

  26. Oooh, Austentacious sounds potentially cute! I agree with you though, a lot of these types of books end up disappointing. Hopefully this one is a winner!

  27. Oh, Divergent - it was most definitely one of my favorite books of last year. I could not put it down. I'm really excited for Insurgent's release! I hope you'll love it too. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :)

  28. Great list! You have some awesome books planned for this spring. I hope you have fun!

  29. Amazing list! I so need to read Pandemonium and The Fine Art of Truth or Dare as well! But ohh, you must read Divergent and TSPOLAFS -- they're some of my favorite reads of all time! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  30. Nice blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. Great list of books. Yes, you must read Divergent! But I haven't read most of these yet...so you aren't so quite out of the loop! lol I'm a new follower :)

  31. What a great list... I might have to throw many of these on my TBR pile!

    I hope you will love Austentatious as much as I did! What a great story... so fun and quirky!

    I have to get my hands on 'Are you going to kiss me now?' Sounds very amusing! Enjoy!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana