Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rewind and Review: March 2012

I love the idea that Ginger and Lisa came up with to rewind and review an older book that's been on the to-read pile for a while! I'm definitely planning to participate in this feature, because I never give myself time to read anything other than my ARCs. I get caught up in the new stuff and never have time for the books that have been patiently waiting to be read for a LONG time. So, I'm planning to read and review two amazing books published in 2010 or earlier this month.

I'm really excited to be participating in this feature! I can't wait to read the books I have selected and really hope I will have the time to read them. My first choice is That's Amore by Carol Grace. I love all things Italy, so what a fun book to read as the weather is warming up, and I've got summer traveling on the brain! Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier has been on my to-read list for a really long time. I've been told by kajillions of people that I will absolutely adore it. I am totally reading it this month.

That's Amore by Carol Grace
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

So, those are my picks! Expect reviews of both of them popping up on the blog soon!


  1. I loved Rebecca. In fact I am planning on re-reading it sometime this year cause it's been so long since I've read it.

  2. Yay! Another great review of Rebecca! I'm SO excited to read it! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. I read Rebecca in high school, so my memory is a bit foggy but I do remember liking it, plus apparently New Girl is a re-telling, so I should re-read it!

  4. Oh, Rebecca! I loved that book. It's one of the few classics I absolutely flew through. I could not put it down.

  5. What a GREAT idea!! And I love the tape in that icon... oh the days of cassettes. I may have to check this out!

  6. YAY REBECCA! :D Can't wait to hear what you think! I absolutely loved it!

  7. I really want to re-read Rebecca! I hope you enjoy it this month!

    Super cute blog, btw! I'm a new follower :)


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana