Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book Tag! I'm It!

Tehe. Couldn't resist! Image found here.
Hello! So, here I am to participate in the Book Tag meme, thanks to Julia from The Competitive Bibliomaniac! This is a fun meme because it will help all of us get to know one another. And maybe you'll find a new blog to follow. :) Julia has left me with some fun questions to answer, so let's get started!

The Rules: 
1. You must post the rules. 
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 10 new questions to ask the people that you have tagged. 
3. Tag 11 people and link to them on your post. 
4. Let them know you've tagged them!

    When/Why did you start book blogging?
    I started book blogging with the girls at The Broke and The Bookish way back when it started in June of 2010. I formed this blog in November of 2011 so I'd have a more flexible schedule to post book reviews more often. Book blogging totally fell into my lap. Jamie asked the Goodreads College Students group if anyone was interested in starting a blog with her, and I jumped on it. I had no idea a book blogging world existed, nor did I know it was full of so many cool people!

    What are some things about your blog (reviews, features, etc.) that you are most proud of?
    Well... I really enjoy finding things for my feature, Bookish Finds. I have so much fun showing off the cool things I've come across. And I think the blog name is pretty fun and catchy. :)

    If you had to invite three characters over for dinner, who would you invite and why?
    Sam from Incarnate by Jodi Meadows because I would LOVE to talk with someone who has been alive for forever. I'm sure he has a ton of exciting and interesting stories to tell. Bria from Wanderlove by Kirtsen Hubbard, so she can talk me into going on an amazing trip like she did. St. Claire from Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins because he's hilarious, cute, and I can just imagine his sexy accent.

    If you could mandate that everyone read one book, what would it be and why?
    Uhh... Wow. I feel like I should be naming some profound classic or controversial banned book. Haha. Really, though, I don't think I would force anyone to read anything. When I was young, my love of reading vanished because I was forced by my teachers to read books I hated. Everyone connects with books in different ways, sometimes personal. You can't force learning or force an emotion.

    Do you read reviews of books before you read a book (if you know you are going to read it)?
    If a good friend wrote the review, then yes. I don't go looking for them, though, because some people post spoilers! I trust my friends not to spoil anything for me. 

    Do you judge books by their covers?
    Yes I do! I'm that artsy reader girl! I try not to, but I always end up judging books by their covers. Pretty covers grab me. It's who I am.  It's usually my opinion that if a book has an awful design, its contents won't be much better. If the book is drop-dead amazing, then there's money in the budget to hire a good designer. It's like having a beautiful baby and wrapping it in a burlap sack. You want to show it off, not hide it. 

    EReaders vs Books vs Audiobooks: thoughts?
    I'll always love tangible books. I love the covers, the textures, the smell, and the act of turning pages. I've run out of room, though, so I bought a Kindle. I LOVE my Kindle. You can find awesome deals on Kindle books, so I own a lot of them. And it saves space, especially while traveling. I can't concentrate on audiobooks, yet I love the idea of them.

    What kind of criteria do you consider when writing a review?
    Grammar, spelling, character development, plot development, consistency, use of bad language, writing style, and enjoyability. I also often discuss a character's behavior, and whether or not I agree with them. 
    What is your favorite thing about book blogging?
    All the awesome friends I've made! I've found life-long friendships in many of you. :) 
    What is your favorite genre?
    Right now? YA contemporary. Ask me next week if I still feel the same! Haha. 

    New Questions (If I tag you, you answer these ones. Not the ones I answered):
    1. Has your book blogging changed your love of books? Do you love them more now, or has blogging turned reading into more of a chore than it used to be?
    2. Why did you choose the name of your blog?
    3. Do you believe in getting personal in your reviews, or do you keep them strictly professional and leave yourself out?
    4. What book were you the most excited to receive free for review?
    5. What prompted you to start your book blog? 
    6. What has been the best thing to happen to you as a result of writing a book blog? (events, signings, etc.)
    7. What book pulled you out of your comfort zone, but changed you in some way? 
    8. How much time do you spend a week blogging? (includes writing posts, as well as commenting and networking with others.)
    9. If you could go back and start over, would you change anything?
    10. Other than reading, what's your favorite thing to do? 

    The People I Tag:

    Magan/Estelle (both or one of you) at Rather be Reading
    Alexa at Alexa Loves Books
    Mandee at The Vegan YA Nerds
    Sam at Books for All Seasons
    Katie at Katie's book Blog
    ThetaSigma at Resolution Corner
    Jenn at Booksessed
    Laura at Novel Magic
    Sarah at The Book Life
    La Toya at La Toya, Literally
    Shawna at Dreaming in the Pages

    Of course, you don't have to participate but I hope you will! Be sure to let me know if you do. I'd love to read your answers. :)

    EDIT: Hi again! I was just tagged by Readinista, and she gave me a whole new slew of questions! So I'm going to update and add hers in under Julia's. So fun!!

    1. Why did you start blogging?
    Well, I originally started at The Broke and the Bookish. Jamie asked if anyone was interested in starting a blog with her, and I thought it sounded like fun! I never knew about the book blogging realm of the blogosphere, so I was excited to jump in and do something new. I started That Artsy Reader Girl a year and a half later so I could post reviews more frequently.

    2. On average, how many books do you read in a month?
    About 9, which is a huge deal for me!

    3. When do you read? (At night, during the day, commuting to work, etc)
    I mostly read at night after the family has gone to bed. So, from about 9:30 until sometime after midnight I get to read!

    4. Do you have a favorite spot to read at home or do you read anywhere and everywhere?
    I'll read anywhere, as long as I have a book with me. My Kindle is always tucked in my purse if I know I'm going to be out and about with some free time on my hands. Mostly, though, I end up reading in bed or in the comfy recliner in my room.

    5. How frequently do you check your blog statistics? Do you check them everyday or do you not care about the number of hits on your site?

    I check maybe once a week. Everything is still so new at this blog, and I'm trying to figure out what works the best for my blog, and how people are finding me.

    6. Do you ever get tired of being a book blogger?
    If I read too many review books that I don't like in a row, I do start to get tired of it. Sometimes I miss the days when I could not finish a book and not feel guilty for it. But really, book blogging has become a very addictive hobby for me and I love it. I'd never stop!

    7. If you could live in a fictional world, what book world would you choose?
    That's hard! I read a lot of dystopia, with worlds gone wrong... and a lot of contemporary worlds that are just like mine! I think I'd combine elements of several. Like, I love the fairy world in Aprilynne Pike's Wings series, and I love the dragon world in Sophie Jordan's Firelight series. I think I'd really just enjoy a world with more paranormal creatures. :)

    8. What fictional book characters do you most relate to or would like to be friends with?
    I really like Bria from Wanderlove. She's a traveler at heart, and I'd love to go on a spontaneous trip to anywhere with her. I know we'd get along. And Anna from Anna and the French Kiss also seems like someone I'd have fun sitting in a cafe with and gabbing over French pastries and hot chocolate.

    9. Other than reading and blogging what do you do for fun?
    Well, I have this really awful addiction to shopping. I don't care what I'm shopping for, but I love it! Mostly, though, jewelry, purses, and shoes are my favorites. And I love singing a lot. I'm also a graphic designer, so I love designing things... and I love doing puzzles, watching movies, traveling (traveling is my favorite!), bowling, game nights (like board games), and hanging out with my friends and family.

    10. Do your family and friends understand your reading and blogging hobbies or are they planning an intervention?
    My mom and dad are happy I have a worthwhile hobby, but they definitely get frustrated sometimes that I'm always reading or blogging! And most of my friends don't know about my secret other life as a blogger, just because they wouldn't understand. The few who do, actually think it's really cool that I'm so into all of this.

    11. Freebie question – You choose what question you would like to answer (Yes I know this a cop out)
    What book should be made into a movie? - Firelight by Sophie Jordan. I'd love to see those dragons come to life, not to mention the really awesome world they live in!

    Thanks for tagging me, Readinista! These were fun questions. :)


    1. I loved your answers, Jana! I too love YA contemp and I prefer real books to ebooks!

      Thanks for tagging me, I will get my answers up during the week :)

    2. Here are my answers. :)

      1. My love for books hasn't changed. It never could, but it has changed how I read. I read more critically and focus on the things that I usually comment on in reviews.

      2. Many people have said that I'm book obsessed (and they didn't mean that in a good way, oddly). So when I was coming up with names it seemed obvious to just combine the two.

      3. I'm very personal. I'm not shy about saying that I had a reaction to a book that was emotional etc. I feel like I'm not being genuine if I leave myself out.

      4. Forts: Fathers and Sons by Steven Novak. It was the first book I ever received for review from an author. I've been very excited about several books since, but nothing will ever top the feeling of getting Forts.

      5. I was unemployed at the time and reading more than I had in months. I had stumbled across a few book blogs and began reading them regularly before I thought "Oh, I could do this."

      6. I love being part of the book blogging community and the friendships that I've made on twitter. Getting author shout outs on twitter blows my mind. That's always awesome.

      7. Forsaken by Andrew Van Wey. It was a thriller, which I normally don't read. I like suspenseful reads, but this one was also gorey and graphic. I liked it, and it scared the crap out of me, but I don't seek out anything with gore.

      8. Probably a couple hours a day. I try to keep up with my google reader and comments on my own blog as well as twitter. Weekends, I don't spend much time on twitter but usually write and schedule posts during that time.

      9. I think I would have made a genre specific blog rather than eclectic. Not that there's anything wrong with mine being eclectic. I think I would pick historical fiction because that's my biggest love. I suppose I could change it now, but meh. I love my little blog as is.

      10. I love knitting, and watching old movies, especially ones staring Cary Grant. Costume dramas are also huge on my list.

    3. So fun, Jana! I loved reading your responses. :) Thanks for tagging us! Estelle's answers are coming soon. xo

    4. Thanks for tagging me. I'll get to it asap.

      It was fun reading your answers too!

    5. I love this tag. So many interesting things about you. I have done it in my blog feel free to read it:

    6. I love your answers to the questions! It's a great way to get to know you even better. I'm only catching up on posts now (after my loooong vacation) so I'm doing the meme and posting it this week!


    You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana