Sunday, February 19, 2012

In My Mailbox (#1)

Hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren

Hi guys! This is my very first IMM, and I'm so excited! I came across some wonderful books this week, and I'm excited to share them all with you! Vlogs terrify me, so let's see how this turns out!

(Haha... The girl in a Long, Long Sleep is not a benefactor... She didn't give anyone money!! She's a long-lost heir to something... Haha... benefactor. Silly me! And WOW. I am pale! Haha. I'd blame it on winter, but I'm that pale all year, so I can't!)

Valentine's Presents (From my Mom): 

For Review:


I'd just like to thank all of you for supporting my blog! I love all the comments, e-mails, Tweets, Goodreads chats, and shout-outs on your blogs! I participated in the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon this week, and came away with some awesome new blogs to follow, some new friends, and a lot of warm fuzzies! Thanks to all of you who mentioned me, and came by to spread the love. I wish I could have participated more, but I was passing a kidney stone... Lame. But I love all of you! I'll see you around the blogosphere, and can't wait to get to know you better. :)

Now... what did you get this week? :) Link me to your posts and I'll be sure to stop by! Or... tell me in the comments. :)  Thanks for stopping by!

*EDIT: It was Faye from a daydreamer's thoughts that made me buy Meeting Destiny. :) Thanks, Faye!


  1. Your vlog was great. Good job! Looking forward to see another.

  2. I love that you did a vlog! It's so nice to put a face (well, a moving face, cause obviously I know your profile picture...) on someone I talk to often :) And your mom is so sweet for getting you book for Valentine's Day! :D I absolutely LOVED A Long, Long Sleep, I really hope the author will write a sequel/companion novel. And yay for the Treachery of Beautiful Things! It sounds really good!
    Boo on the kidney stone! Those things are evil! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Wooow! What a fantastic IMM! What a lot of books! Hope you would enjoy them.


    This is my IMM

  4. Welcome to IMM! :D
    And wooow, what a haul of books you have! I loved Meeting Destiny so I hope you do as well!!
    And I really want to read Don't Breathe A Word so I hope you enjoy it!

    Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week!

    Faye :)

  5. Great books! Don't Breathe A Word sounds amazing, I really want to read it. I hope you enjoy all your books!

    Books of Amber

  6. So many awesome titles!! Nice job on the vlog! You did great! Enjoy your goodies!

  7. Crazy European Chick is a Thriller for sure!! Enjoy!

    Our IMM!

  8. Hey, nothing wrong with being pale! Also, I am a new follower :) Love the books you got in this week, I really want to read Graffiti Moon, Treachery of Beautiful Things, and Don't Breathe a Word-- hope you enjoy everything!

    If you'd like you can check out the awesome books I got in my mailbox this week, just click the link below! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  9. Your mom is awesome ;)
    So many great books-- I really want to read The Fine Art of Truth and Dare! Hope you enjoy it!

  10. Wow awesome week for you! I love that you did a vlog this week. I did my first vlog this week also. [: Have fun reading all of your books this week!
    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  11. Your Mom ROCKS! YAY for Valentine's Day gifts!!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading,
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  12. I found you through the Love-A-Thon! So glad I did! Great vlog! I am definitely checking out some of these books! Happy Reading!

  13. Don't Breathe A Word looks really good and i can't wait to read that! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  14. TFAOTAD is totally on my tbr list!!! Can't wait to read it and I love your vlog! Awesome haul! Enjoy!!!!


    TBD Affiliate Giveaway!

    Let's get to 600 Followers Int. Giveaway!

  15. Wow amazing haul you have here this week! And how cute are you!! I'm super pale (but only in the Winter lol). So glad to have met you from the Book Blogger Love athon as well!! Sorry about your kidney stone! Damn girl!

    Happy Sunday :)

    La Toya (La Toya, Literally.)

  16. And that was your first vlog. Nicely done.

  17. Hehe. For some reason I didn't connect the dots!!
    Glad I influenced you! Hope that you like it! Don't kill me if you don't! LOL. :D

  18. Aww, Jana you are adorable! I absolutely loved your vlog AND you mentioned meeeeee <3

    I really hope you love Graffiti Moon and I want to read A Long, Long Sleep just because the cover is so pretty plus Don' Breathe A Word, it sounds great.

  19. That is a fantastic haul of books! I am SO excited to read Graffiti Moon, I went on a huge search for it in my city on its release date but no stores had it :( I finally ordered it online and am just waiting impatiently for it to arrive now.

    You did a great job on your vlog, and oh dear, I hope you're all ok with the kidney stones! I've gone through that before and it is no fun.

    Ashley @ Ashley Loves Books
    Check out what's in my mailbox


    By the way, I absolutely love Victoria and the Rogue! I hope you enjoy it. It's one of my favorite Meg Cabot books. I remember a lot of squealing when I read that one!

    I've also read Graffiti Moon and I LOVED it. It's really good! Different from what I normally read, but so good.

    The other books on your list all look really good! I want to check them all out right now. *sneaks off and puts books on her TBR list*

    (And your mom is AWESOME for giving you 50$!)

  21. I am so scared to vlog so I probably never will but yours was awesome! And now I'm adding all of the books to my To-Read list. :)

  22. I'm a new reader, but I loved your vlog. Very cool!

    I'm a big fan of Victoria and the Rogue! There's nothing as satisfying as a Meg Cabot romance.

  23. Hey Jana! Great first IMM! It's so fun to see you! :) I am super excited about The Fine Art of Truth or Dare. I didn't hear about it until recently (HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN) but I'm itching to read it soon.

    Your mom is definitely awesome for gifting you with the gift card. :) Such a great gift!

    I'm SO SAD you have/had kidney stone problems again. Dang it! :( Hope you're feeling better now!

    Magan @ Rather be Reading

  24. I think you did such a great job with this! And I can tell we will definitely get along when we finally meet :) I decided I'm going to buy the Fine Art when I get home today with a gift card I got for my birthday. It's only 8.99 on the Nook. :) This is an absolutely amazing combo of books, and I have to applaud you for dabbling into so many genres. Hope you are feeling better and have a great week! See ya around Twitter! xo


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana