Friday, February 10, 2012

Caribbean Crusing by Rachel Hawthorne (Mini Book Review)

Title: Caribbean Crusing
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Release Date: April 15, 2004
Publisher: Avon
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased on Amazon
Where I read it: On a cruise! I love theme reads. :)
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The perfect summer story of a girl, several boys, and a cruise ship full of possibilities.

Lindsay has never been on a cruise, but she knows exactly what she wants to do now that she is: climb a waterfall, snorkel, meet lots of cute guys, and look for one perfect guy for a summer fling.

But her to-do list isn't going according to plan, especially when she discovers that it's impossible to have a fling-when you're actually falling in love.
About a week before I was leaving on a cruise, I ran into the bookstore hoping to find cruise books. I love reading books that sync with a vacation I'm on. I found this in the young adult section, and thought it sounded like a cute read for my upcoming week of floating around in the Caribbean.

However... I was annoyed by this storyline. This girl is on an amazing trip, and do you want to know what she's most concerned with? Losing her virginity. Yes. That's her main focus. Does anyone else agree that this is poor subject matter to center a book around? There was no plot other than Lindsay's frustration with being a virgin. Still. Because at 18, surely she should have slept with numerous guys, right? That's what high schoolers do, right? Every guy she meets makes her think, "Oh! I could sleep with him... Better be nice!" And I can't tell you how many "hot body" descriptions I read. I was nauseated. I find it rather frustrating that such a book was written, and then placed in the young adult section. This is where 12-year-olds are instructed to buy books from. Is this seriously a lesson they should be taught? And not only was she looking for sex, she was looking for it with no strings attached. A fling. Seriously? Shallow! And of course she couldn't see a love interest if he smacked her over the head. So she was shallow and dumb. Lovely. I see no reason why she should be someone a teenage girl should look up to.

When I wasn't downright annoyed at this book, I was bored. I've been on cruises. MANY. There is SO much more to write about than this. I can list countless numbers of interesting cruise ship plots. This one just made me want to throw it overboard. Since I don't litter I didn't, plus I would have hated for a cute sea creature to suffer as a result of my frustration. I really can't say I'd recommend this to anyone.


  1. Love your honest review. I agree - sounds like a terrible premise for any book - let alone a YA book. Hope your next read is more enjoyable ;)

  2. Ew. This sounds horrid.

    At least you enjoyed the cruise right? :)

  3. Ick! No, no, no. I just read a book called And Then Things Fall Apart, and it was JUST like this. She was sick during the book and ALL she could focus on was losing her virginity... but she wasn't sick with a disease she would die from. No, it was chicken pox. And she was FIFTEEN. I was appalled for all the reasons you were over the whole "omg - I must do this NOW" attitude. :(

  4. I've read other books by Rachel Hawthorne but this one never caught my eye. Honestly... I think that kind of storyline sends a bad message to readers who may be younger, you know?

    and haha I loved what you said about wanting to throw this book overboard.


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana