Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bookish Finds: Happy "I Love Books" Day!

 Bookish Finds is a feature here at That Artsy Reader Girl, where I highlight awesome bookish things I come across during my exciting life.

All you bookish people out there (and your significant others who rarely see you without a book) will understand how truly huge a statement like this is! If I ever find a man I love more than books, I will snatch him up immediately! On this Valentine's I Love Books Day, though, I will be curled up with Mr. Book of the Day and some chocolate, and relaxing! What are your Valentine's Day plans? Oh, and I pretty much think you're the greatest ever for stopping by today!

(Buy this handmade card (or choose from a Ton of others) from Storeyshop on Etsy)


  1. I've always loved poking through Etsy for greetings cards, but I wish I'd seen that one before today! It's all kinds of perfect, haha :)

  2. That card is made of awesome! :D The boyfriend and I went to see a small concert yesterday, the concert wasn't that great, but spending time with him always makes me happy :)
    Hope you had a good read lined up to go with your chocolate! And happy belated Valentine's Day!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana