Monday, February 27, 2012

Author Interview with Julie Belfield

Hi everyone! I was extremely excited to learn more about Julie Belfield (J.A. Belfield) and her latest novel, Instinct. Julie is an extremely nice, down-to-earth person from Solihull, England. She lives there with her husband, two children, three cats, and a dog. She published Darkness and Light (Book #1 in the Holloway Pack series) last year, which is a paranormal romance about werewolves. Her latest book, Instinct, is a prequel to Darkness and Light. This book takes you back in time to the very beginning of Jem and Sean's relationship. I've yet to read either, but hope to very soon. I've read great reviews for both, and think they sound like something I'd really love! Maybe when I have the money, I'll splurge and get them both. :) 

Anyway, on to the interview!

1. When did you first consider yourself a writer? 
Hmmm, well … I began writing in spring 2009. Wrote a novel (80,000 words) in 2 weeks. Wrote the sequel to that novel in the following 2 weeks. And before I’d even finished writing the sequel, the ideas for a 3rd book in the series began formulating. In less than a month of beginning my first story, the habit of writing had become an obsession I couldn’t turn away from. So maybe it was around about then. 

Jana's comments: Wow! That's pretty impressive! I think it's awesome that your passion for reading grew so quickly. 

2. Have you always wanted to write, or did you picture yourself doing something else?
I’d never really ‘pictured’ myself doing anything. But then I’d never really understood what I was meant to do. Heck, I didn’t have the foggiest idea what I wanted to do. I mean, even the writing only started out because one of my (all-too-regular) daydreams refused to budge from my mind and I figured I’d give it a shot at writing it down—but that was mostly just to have something to do with my days whilst the sproggies were at school, because I was a stay at home mum who’d been used to working full-time prior to taking some family time.

3. Which book of yours has been the most fun to write?
Argh, what a question. So far, I have the stories that are available/due for release written: Darkness & Light, Instinct, Eternal (coming July), Blue Moon, (coming December). But on top of those, I have the third novel in The Holloway Pack Stories written, and the beginning of novel #4 … and they all have elements that made me emotional when writing them, just as they all have elements that made me giggle whilst writing them. But, whilst novel #3 was my biggest challenge and the character awesome to spend time with, I’d have to say that some of my most enjoyable scenes to write occur in Blue Moon despite it being an emotional roller-coaster for the MC.

4. Can you please summarize your latest book for me?
Instinct is all about a battle of instincts (which is where the title comes from) and believing in something strongly enough to fight for it and never give up.

5. What inspired you to write this specific storyline?
Darkness & Light
—and the thought of spending some personal time with Sean Holloway.
Darkness & Light is the main story for introducing the readers to Sean and Jem. However, their ‘history’ is brought up in the novel, and I wanted to explore that a little deeper and ensure it was clear in my head. That’s what Instinct is all about: it takes the readers back to the roots of Jem’s & Sean’s relationship and shows them where it all began. And Eternal (another prequel novella) will be the icing on the cake that answers all other questions about their past.


If you were to write yourself into this book, what kind of role would you play in it?
Well, as I only ever write what I love and the type of characters that would appeal to me as a reader, I’d have to say werewolf hands-down. I mean, imagine surviving in the human world with the added instincts of an animal, having the ability to change forms and experience nature in such an awesome way, to be a part of a pack, to be stronger, healthier, to experience the liberation of running free through the forest with the wind battling your fur and bringing you an olfactory-friendly menu … Yup. I’d be happy to try that lifestyle out.

Jana's comments: Interesting! I've never pictured being a werewolf, but I can see why you'd enjoy that. :) 

7. Do you have any writing rituals or special things you do to get the creativity flowing?
Nope. Other than that I make sure I’ve visited all my local (online) haunts, and answered any Tweets/Facebook comments, and worked through the emails that have arrived whilst I slept? Not a one. I just sit down and try and make words appear on the screen. 

8. Are the character names in your books important to you?
Main player characters, yes. Secondary or what I call filler characters, not so much. Sean told me his name. I knew before I even knew his story. And Jem told me hers. The others were just figured out as I went along. Except in Darkness & Light—because I hit up a tonne of name sites until I was happy with the names of the rest of the pack.

9. Tell us about your writing environment. Do you need it to be really quiet, or do you listen to music/TV/barking dogs, etc? Do you have to always have food or chocolate readily available?
There is no set environment needed for me to write. It’s 100% about what frame of mind I happen to be in. Sometimes I can get a few thousand words written whilst the kidlets are at school and my house is as quiet as a cemetery, yet other days the silence seems to stifle the flow. Whereas, some days, the entire family being home drives me to distraction—because I sit in the kitchen to write mostly—and other days, being surrounded by them can put me at my most constructive.

10. Do you write every single day?
I try to. On the days I don’t write, I edit. And on the days I do neither (usually only happens if I’m on holiday with the fam and I’ve promised them some of me, or if I’m ill), I read.

11. What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? The best compliment?
Toughest criticism: this isn’t good enough. Or: you can do better.
But often, that only stings because even when I spew out the c**p, I’m thinking it myself at the time of writing. To have my own self-trashing-assessment confirmed by someone else just makes me mad at myself for not doing better whilst I realised it to begin. I can be pretty tough on myself.
The best compliment: when Darkness & Light got voted in as book of the month for two separate groups on Goodreads consecutively. I was pretty honoured.

Jana's comments: Congratulations! That's really exciting. :) 

12. Tell us the most important thing your writing career has taught you.
That I was right not to give up. I’ve never been a very driven person, career-wise. Now I wonder if that was because I never felt as though I had much purpose in my life. Or I never felt I had a skill worth trying to sell myself for. When I ‘discovered’ writing, I discovered myself, too. That’s something pretty big for a woman who had no direction in life outside of her family. The fact they support me 100% in my crazy endeavours is just the crème in the brulee. 

Jana's comments: That's so wonderful for you. :) It's a huge accomplishment to go for what you want, and never give up. I'm sure this piece of advice is very inspiring for my readers who are also aspiring writers. I'm very happy for you!

Julie's favorite place to visit, Angle.

Harry Potter house at Freshwater.

13. When you're not writing, what other activities/hobbies fill your time?
Reading—obviously. And coast walking because Mr B’s family live on the west coast of Wales and we visit them a lot. Actually, they live right by the beach where Dobby died in the final Harry Potter, and we just happened to be visiting the area when Bill & Fleur Weasley’s house was being built prior to shooting … took some pics. That was pretty cool. Sometimes I cook or bake, depending on my mood …


14. What book(s) are you reading now?
I have 2% left of the tome that is Lover Unleashed. Once through with that, I intend to read The Trouble With Nightingale by Amaleen Ison, followed by Veronica Roth’s Divergent.

Jana's comments: I haven't read Divergent yet either, but I got it for Christmas and intend to read it very soon. Hope you love it!

15. I recently wrote a blog post on my bookish bad habits. Do you have any weird/bad/unique bookish habits?
If the book’s doing its job? I don’t even notice what’s around me. But I do seem unable to resist a free title. Which means my Kindle is obscenely full right now, lol.

16. What's the worst job you ever had?
I worked in a silkscreen printing factory. The place stank of paint and thinners and turps. And all three of those came in constant contact with my skin, ensuring I spent the entire 6 months I worked there covered in manky zits. Urgh!

Jana's comments: Oh man! I'm a graphic designer, so I know the printing press smell you speak of. And those chemicals are not good for the skin at all. That sounds awful!

17. What's your favorite dessert? Favorite healthy food?
Favourite dessert … hmmm … homemade profiteroles—yum! Favourite healthy food … (not so good at picking favourite healthy stuff …) … um … homemade roasted red pepper & tomato soup (with onions/garlic/stock in it)—nom!

Jana's comments: Oh, yum! Profiteroles look SO yummy! I agree that none of my favorite foods are healthy! Haha. Thanks so much for taking the time to let my readers and me get to know you a little better! Good look with the selling of Instinct, and also the writing of your next few books! You sound like you're going to be pretty busy!

Thank you so much for having me here today. It’s been an absolute blast. :)

To find out more about Julie Belfield and/or her books:
J. Taylor Publishing  |  Website  |  Goodreads  |  Facebook  Twitter


  1. Awesome interview. And I really laughed at question 15...I need to stop downloading free books too. I don't think I'm going to read those lol.

    La Toya (La Toya, Literally.)

  2. Thanks, Aimee. :o)

    La Toya, all I can say is Pixel of Ink has a lot to answer for. ;o) Thanks for stopping by. :o)

  3. What a great interview! I loved getting to know more about Julie, and it's intrigued me enough to want to pick up her books!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana