Monday, January 23, 2012

Top Ten Books that Take me Somewhere

Hey guys! I love traveling. LOVE it. And it's during months like these that I get the travel bug. January is tough. It's cold, we've got holiday hangovers, and the days are short and dark. It makes me want to go somewhere fun! So for this week's freebie TTT, I've chosen to tell you about my favorite books set in places I'd love to escape to right now (or books with travelers I envy). 

This book takes place in a quaint little seaside town. It's a very sweet, clean romance that I just loved. I want to visit this place.

Here, we get to visit this adorable town in Florida called Sunrise Key. Picture flower boxes, white and blue-striped awnings, and picket fences. Everyone knows everyone. I want to find a bed and breakfast and live there for a little while!

The heroine is a CIA agent, who goes to Venezuela on assignment and meets Prince Garrett. They hit it off, and her mission is terminated as she receives new orders to go to Meridia (a city on the coast of Italy) to pretend to be his fiancee as part of their security plan. Meridia sounds amazing, and Venezuela would be a wonderful place to visit as well!

Here, we get to go to an old castle in on the English moors. An American man falls in love with a Scottish woman from the past. It's a gorgeous story, and the scenery sounds amazing.

The bulk of this takes place in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. PLEASE let me go! I love the Met, and I could definitely use a trip there right now.

The characters in this story go on the Jane Austen tour of England! I'd love to go on that trip.

A "race through the cathedrals and castles of Europe". I'll take it!

The heroine goes on a road trip through the English countryside with a really sexy guy... I want to do that!

Now, I didn't like this book very much, but it takes place on cruise ships and there's nothing I love more than reading on the sun-drenched deck of a ship floating around the Caribbean!

This takes place on a yacht set for Capri, Italy! Can you tell I love water and Europe?

So! Which books have you read that involve traveling, or just awesome places? And be sure to link me to your Top Ten Tuesday posts! I want to see what you came up with. :) Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hey Jana! SUCH a cool idea for a list! I love it! I just finished Wanderlove. Awesome, awesome travel book. You should request it from NetGalley because I'm positive you'd love it! :)

  2. I love this idea for your list -- the places in literature we'd like to visit right now. Oh, I'd love to go to the Austen era and ride a horse in the English countryside, or visit the American South of Gone With the Wind and see all the dresses and smell the fresh air, or visit the world of Margaret Mitchell in the Roaring Twenties and dance with the flappers. Or see Hugo's France!! Or visit Laura Ingalls and her family in the little cabin in the woods. Or go to Concord, Massachusetts to visit the Alcott sisters and Marmee. Or climb the Moors to Mr. Rochester's house.

    I love this list idea!!!

  3. Magan, I've got it from Netgalley! I've just got other books a head of it right now. Can't wait! :)

    Thanks, Jillian! Those are all wonderful places to visit! I limited myself to books I've actually read already... I'm spending so much time reading current releases that I have no time to read the awesome oldies!

  4. Oh I like your topic. I would like to go to Terre D'Ange from Kushiel's Dart, I love this world Jacqueline Carey has created.

  5. Me and Mr. Darcy and Carrie Goes off the Map both sound really good! I've never heard of most of these books (except The Da Vinci Code), so thanks for making this list. It's great...

    And, thanks for visiting my blog and making your cute comments. I appreciate that!

  6. What a great list. I have total travelers envy when I read books. Especially if the places are well described. A couple of my favorites are Angels and Demons (the Vatican) and The Great Gatsby (not really a place, but who wouldn't want to experience the 1920's?)

    The Bookie Top Ten

  7. What a super idea for a list. I know I'm always itching to get away especially in the dreary, winter months in NYC. But seriously, today feels like spring so all I want to do is go outside. I'm sure you've read the Little Blue Envelope series from Maureen Johnson but that would be something I would add to a similar list. (I read those on the beach last summer and it was awesome!) And From the Mixed Up Files, always nice to see a classic around these lists. :P Happy Tuesday!

  8. I've never read any of these! They sound like great books though!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I really want to read From The Mixed Up Files because it's one of those childhood books everyone has read except for me! ALSO I love the city!

    Awesome list :-D

  10. Great list! I haven't read any of these but I am intrigued! Thanks for stopping by.

    -Nikki (Imaginative Adventure)

  11. Great idea for a list!! I have to say, with my travel job, I am QUITE happy to escape the doldrums of Ohio for Phoenix. I was really luck this winter. Last winter I went from Ohio to Duluth MN (downgrade).


  12. I want to read all of these books (except the one I have already read)!

    The Rossetti Letter by Christi Phillips took me on a tour of Venice and I want to visit that even more!

    Thanks for visiting my Top Ten - Enjoy!

  13. Love this idea for a list. I have only read The Da Vinci Code, so these are all great recs.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  14. I LOVE your TTT this week. This is such a great list of books! And I want to go everywhere that you listed too!

  15. I loved Carribean Cruising! Thanks for sharing :)


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana