Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book

This is a tricky one, because so many authors I love have their next book in the works already! I had to work really hard to think of authors and their upcoming books. If any of you know something I don't about my following 10 picks, let me know so I can be excited!! I love hearing good bookish news!

Stephenie Meyer
I know... I know... but seriously! She said she wanted to turn The Host into a trilogy (even gave us the next two titles), but we've heard nothing of any plans in years! Just because she's been moved to the big screen, it doesn't give her a license to not finish the story!

Lisa Mangum
She wrote a trilogy called The Hourglass Door that I loved more than the Twilight Saga. I LOVED IT. Her writing is amazing, and her characters are so strong. I wish she'd start something else.

Syrie James
I have so many wishes when it comes to Syrie's books! I loved Nocturne. I want a sequel. And I loved Dracula My Love... I want more diaries/memoirs from people! Like Christine from Phantom of the Opera... I think a memoir/diary from her would be amazing! And I loved Forbidden, but a follow-up/sequel has not been announced. I need more stories!

Sara J. Henry
I loved Learning to Swim! This book is amazing, and a sequel could totally happen. Or just a new storyline completely. Great author, lesser known.

Lee Carroll
This is a husband/wife (Carol Goodman) team, and they wrote Black Swan Rising and The Watchtower. AMAZING. Their combination of his poetry and her mystery-writing skills. Oh man.

Stephanie Perkins
Yes, Isla is coming. I know! But we don't know what's happening after that! Stephanie Perkins must write more! She's not allowed to stop until one of us dies.

Maggie Stiefvater
So... her stand-alone The Scorpio Races is out. What next?? I need more of her writing. It's lovely, and boy can she tell a story! I don't care what she does, but it has to be something.

Suzanne Collins
Ok, please just do something! You can't quit with The Hunger Games! Suzanne introduced me to dystopia, and I will always love hers the best.

Becca Wilhite
Her ability to make me laugh in My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions was so refreshing. That book is definitely one of my favorites. It's such a cute YA contemporary, and I want another just like it.

Alex Flinn
It's been a while, and I haven't heard of any new novels! I love her fairytale retellings.


  1. Suzanne Collins made my list too! And you won't have to wait long for another Alex Flinn novel - I'm pretty sure her book about Kendra the witch comes out next month!

  2. I agree with Stephanie and Suzanne also. =] Awesome list. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  3. Ah, I can't wait for Isla! The book has been pushed to 2013, so I'll be rereading Anna until then :)

    I wonder if Suzanne Collins has any books in the works. I'm ready for something new!

    Loved your list!

    Top Ten Tuesday @ The Caffeinated Reader

  4. I also can't wait for Isla (boo on it now being a 2013 release!) and anything Stephanie Perkins writes after that! So far her books have been some of my faves in recent times.

  5. Awesome list! I just read The Scorpio Races too (and the Wolves of Calla series) - Stiefvater is oh so amazing! And I don't know how Suzanne Collins could top The Hunger Games series, but I would love to see more too.

  6. I keep thinking that Suzanne Collins wrote series before Hunger Games. Maybe series that were aimed at younger children....

    Here is my Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book. I hope you will stop by!

  7. I loved the Host, even more than I loved Twilight. The Host was fabulous & I'm waiting just like you for the two other books in this (so called) trilogy. :)

  8. So glad you liked LEARNING TO SWIM! And yep, it's a series, and the first sequel is with my publisher now. Thanks for the mention!

  9. Totally, totally!! Stephanie Perkins rocks! I too, want more of her books! :) :)

  10. Great picks. Totally agree on lots of these. Stephanie Perkins needs to write me books forever. And I hate that Scorpio Races was a stand alone. I could read so much more of that story. And so much more Maggie Stiefvater. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! New follower.

    ~Nikki (Imaginative Adventure)

  11. I most definitely agree with Lee Carroll, Maggie Stiefvater and Stephanie Perkins!

  12. Ahhh I still have to read The Host.. I hear it's not bad tho!

    Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Michele | Top 10

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I didn't include Collins because I've been going on about her and The Hunger Games on my blog for a while, otherwise she would have been my 11th author.
    I'd also like to see the sequel to The Host.

  15. Good list! I'm interested in what's next for a lot of these authors too. It will be fun to see what they come up with next. (Hopefully, they'll continue to write ... and publish.)


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