Monday, January 16, 2012

Top 10 Books I'd Recommend to if You Don't Like Contemporary

So, I love this week's theme over at the Broke and the Bookish, because we were instructed to recommend books to someone who does not read _________. Meaning, all the lists this week are going to be different and will cater to many different kinds of readers. It's so exciting, and I know I will love hopping around to everyone's blogs! 

I used to be one of those people who did not like contemporary novels. I always figured that if I treated reading as an escape, why should I read books that keep me right in the here and now? I should read to travel to a different time, not to hang out here in the world I'm trying to get away from! I've change my mind, though, and now I love them! So, it's kind of like I'm recommending books to my past self. If I'm leaving anything out, let me know! I'm still a new lover of contemporary, so I don't know all the good stuff yet! 

Adult Contemporary Fiction:

Austenland by Shannon Hale
This was the first book I ever read that was completely contemporary. There's a little romance, and the characters hearken back to regency times... but the whole thing takes place right now. It was a good way to slowly ease into contemporary, because it combined inklings of a genre I've always loved: historical fiction/romance. 
(Read my review of Austenland.)

Carrie Goes Off The Map by Phillipa Ashley
I LOVED this book. The heroine is strong and independent. She's been hurt by her now ex-fiance, and wants an escape from her normal life. So she grabs a friend-of-a-friend that she barely knows, and they go on a road trip around England, exploring the scenery, meeting new people, and getting to know each other. It's a contemporary romance that allowed me the escape I always crave in a book. 
(Read my review of Carrie.)

The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
Nicholas knows how to create such strong, beautiful romances that you forget you're reading about people just like you. Romances that strong have GOT to be otherworldly, but this book takes place right here, right now. It's also probably the only book by him that won't have you crying a TON. I cried a little during this one, but not much. It's also got some suspense thrown in, which is fabulous. 

Nocturne by Syrie James
This book has a vampire element to it, but the rest of the story is so realistic and so "right now" that you're convinced vampires exist! The scenery is awesome. I love tying a bit of paranormal stuff!
(Enter my giveaway of this book right here!)

Pretty much anything by Mary Higgins Clark
Mary Higgins Clark writes the best, most exciting mysteries ever. They are amazing! She's an auto-buy for me. I don't even have to read the summary. I think all of them are contemporary, and I love, love, love the ride she takes her readers on.

Young Adult Contemporary Fiction

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle
This book is totally Christmasy, but you can read it anytime during the year. It's composed of three short stories that are all connected. It's full of blizzards and romance, and it's one of my favorites!
(Read my review of Let it Snow.)

Anna was my first YA contemporary, and I have been sold ever since. This is definitely the best book to start with if you're interested in YA contemporary. I've been ripping bookstores apart ever since, hoping to find another novel like this one. 

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn
This book is very light and fun, with a unique storyline. It's magical, which had me completely sold. Plus, it takes place in NYC, which is definitely the best place in the USA, in my opinion.
(Read my review of Dash and Lily.)

I'm cheating here because I haven't read this yet (but I have been anticipating this for months)! All my friends love it, though, so I know I will. And seriously, who wouldn't want to fall in love in an airport?? 

This book is adorable, and all about this college freshman who is a romance novel junkie, and compares her own life to a novel. But then, when love comes her way she flips out and has no idea how to be anything less than awkward. I died of laughter so many times.


  1. I actually don't read contemporary books so...this is somewhat enlightening! I have read most of Shannon Hale's YA fantasy, though, so at least I know she's a good author!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I can't wait to read TSoLaFS!!! I need to get around to ordering my copy though...

    Great lists!

  3. I love Mary Higgins Clark too! My mom got me started on her books years ago, and I've read them all since then!:)

  4. I don't really like Contemporary so I will have to check out some of the ones you recommend, great list. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  5. I had Anna & Lola on my list as well... Dash & Lily is also a great choice. I really want to read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight too! Need to order it.

  6. Loved Anna and the French Kiss! Great list :)

    The Muggle

  7. I really want to read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. Not only is the cover awesome, but I also love romantic reads. :) Awesome picks.

  8. I just read Austenland last week and I really enjoyed it. Great list.

  9. I haven't read any of those adult novels. :( I really need to start reading more adult books! Great list.
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  10. Great list. They all look so good/are ones that I've loved.

    Austenland was particularly lol funny.

    Here's mine:

  11. I really love contemporary and it has to be the genre I read the most! I've only read 2 of the YA books you suggest so I'll definitely be adding the rest to my to-read list.

  12. I love contemporary YA literature. I agree that I never felt like I should read books that were hitting so close to home, but now that I've stepped into that world, it's the fantasy books and supernatural ones that are harder for me to get into. I love your recommendations! :)

  13. I really like all of your recommendations! It's funny, but I've read the first 2 books on both halves of your list - guess that means I've got to get around to reading the rest of them, as I always enjoy your recommendations! :D

  14. I'm reading Anna and the French Kiss right now! I've got to say, it's definitely an interesting approach into Young Adult Contemporary, so I think this book is perfect to be on this list. Make sure you read my review when I post it!!! I want to see what you think about it, and what you thought about the book, etc!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana