Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to You!

I Elf'd myself!

Merry Christmas, guys! Or, Christmas Eve, I guess. Thanks so much to all of my readers, fellow blogger friends, and author friends! My blog is still a baby, at barely a month old, but I have already met so many amazing people! The book blogging community truly is one of the best networks out there. Thanks so much to all of you for welcoming me and being so supportive!

This is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the snow, the lights, the yummy treats baking in the oven, the music, the special holiday movies, and the BOOKS! I love reading a good Christmas book. I hope you've enjoyed my month of Christmas reads. Sadly, I did not have as much time to read as I had hoped. My kidney stone took out 10 days of the month. I can't possibly read under those conditions! BUT, I was blessed to be well in time for Christmas. Tomorrow will be a busy day filled with family, food, and the spirit of giving, so I'm posting my merry Christmas today! I'll post later about the bookish presents I receive, but I wanted to stop in and see what you're up to! What do you hope Santa brings? What are you giving to your loved ones? If you're here, and it's now Christmas Day, what did you get? To set the mood, here's a bunch of fun bookish Christmas trees that I absolutely love. Enjoy the day, everyone, and best wishes for the coming year. :) 


  1. Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your time with your family, as well as getting some of the stuff on your wish list! As for me, I pretty much got what I wanted - good food, family and lots of love!

  2. Hi Jana! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I cannot believe it's over already. Where does time go? I'm so glad your kidney stone is gone now! Yippie! Back to reading and blogging!


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana