Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let it Snow, by J. Green, M. Johnson, & L. Myracle (Book Review)

Title and Author: Let It Snow, by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. (3 separate short stories).
Publishing Info: September 11th 2008, by Puffin.
How I got this book: Remember that store named Border's? Yeah. Long ago, I bought it there. RIP Border's.
Why I read this book: Christmas. Romance. Need I say more? I brought this on vacation with me last December, but had no time to read. This year, it happened. :)

"Sparkling white snowdrifts, beautiful presents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks. Thanks to three of today’s bestselling teen authors—John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle—the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses."

I love Christmas romances that aren't sad. Why do all Christmas books have to be sad? The back of the book always says, "After Mindy's mother died, her dog got hit by a car, her husband divorced her, and her kid ran away from home... she meets a man at the ER who was severely burned and can't see. Love blooms, and a Christmas miracle happens." Haven't you read that before? Ugh. Christmas is happy! Not sad! The back of this book sounds happy. :) So I decided it was worth a shot, even though I don't like the idea of short stories. I like to read a book that is one big story. Not three little ones. Needless to say, this book was a gamble. JACKPOT!! Halleluiah! I LOVED IT! Gush, gush, gush. Ok, on to the review. (Clearly I don't read enough books that cause happiness to gush out of me. I'm not crazy, I promise.) Oh, and wanna know what else is fun? These three stories are all intermingled. I didn't realize this until I started in on story #2. They all take place on and around Christmas Eve in Gracetown, NC during the biggest blizzard in the last 50 years. Each story discusses different characters, who end up all being connected. I loved all of them, and want to go find everyone at The Waffle House in Gracetown now.

The first story is called The Jubilee Express, by Maureen Johnson. I'd never read anything by her, and pretty much adore her now. Not many authors make me love them in roughly 100 pages, but I'm about to go buy more of her books! Anyway, there's a girl named Jubilee (she was named after a building in a very expensive Santa village! Hahah!) who finds herself on a train to Florida because her parents decided to be crazy this year. A big snowstorm causes the train to stop in a small town, where she finds some interesting people (and some sweet ones) in the Waffle House. Her Christmas plans end up needing a slight alteration, but I doubt anyone would feel that she suffered as a result! I loved this story. Jubilee is hilarious. The thoughts running through her head had me laughing out loud. I loved the main guy in this story too. He is so sweet and sensitive. I'm not giving away more of the plot, because you just need to read it. That is all.

The second story is called A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle, by John Green. Oh my. It's hilarious. The main guy, Tobin, has two friends named JP (my favorite character, because he is amazing) and the Duke (Angie). While watching Bond movies, they get a call on Christmas Eve to hightail it to the Waffle House to see 14 stranded cheerleaders from the same train Jubliee was on, hanging out and being cheerleadery. Their journey to this Waffle House (in the middle of a blizzard) is priceless. It includes a lost wheel, some scary twins, a Twister mat sled, and a dangerous beer keg. I died of laughter. And of course, it turns out to be an adorable story. I want to meet JP. The things he says are hilarious, plus he was wearing Tobin's dad's baby blue ski suit for the entire story because he thought it would make him look like a hardcore skier, just back from the slopes. Gotta impress those cheerleaders! Oh, good stuff, Mr. John Green.

The last story is called The Patron Saint of Pigs, by Lauren Myracle. This was a very "meh" read for me. Luckily it was the last story, because I don't think I would have continued with the book if it had been the first.  It's all about this girl named Addie, who I didn't care for much, who cheated on her boyfriend a week before Christmas, dumped him, and now wants him back. She spends a lot of time whining about her situation, even though it's her fault. And she spends a lot of time being mad at him for not responding to her latest apology e-mail with open arms. She CHEATED on him. Why does she expect a happy ending to this? The story also involves a little old lady who thinks she's an angel, and a quest to acquire a little teacup pig that is to be her friend's Christmas present. It was just weird, and a pretty weak way to end the book. The first two stories were brilliant, and long-lasting loves for me. This story really fell flat, and pales in comparison. The ending was also pretty cliche and unrealistic. I can look past this story, though, and rate this book 5 stars for the other two. If we factor in my rating for this one, the book would probably get a 3.5.

I definitely see myself re-reading the first two stories a lot. They are so sweet and Christmasy, not to mention a quick dose of the Holiday spirit. I was delighted to find them. Did anyone here love the third story? I'm pretty lenient when it comes to Christmas reads, but I held this one to pretty high standards after the first two. What do you think?


  1. A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle is my favorite story from this book. It was just so darn entertaining!

  2. Haha, I know! Their journey to the Waffle House had me laughing so hard!

  3. I'd love to read this as I really like Maureen's books!

  4. I cannot wait to read this book! Estelle gifted it to me (she's awesome like that). I didn't have any time to read over Christmas, so I'm anxious to dive into it this week!

  5. I'm a huge fan of Maureen Johnson and John Green and I've always kind of had this book in the back of my mind, though I've never read it. (Cannot rec Maureen Johnson's The Name of the Star enough).

    I know what you mean about Christmas stories being sad. I hate that. I'd love to see more happy Christmas stories.

  6. I'm sure this was a great book. Love John Green and Maureen Johnson! Great review :)


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana