Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares, by Cohn & Levithan (Book Review)

Title and Author: Dash & Lily's Book of Dares, by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
Publishing Info: October 11, 2010, by Ember
How I got this book: Pre-ordered the paperback from Amazon. 
Why I read this book: Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with Christmas and NYC. This book combines them into a pretty perfect mixture of my favorite things!

"'I’ve left some clues for you.
If you want them, turn the page.
If you don’t, put the book back on the shelf, please.'

So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the New York Times bestselling authors of Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story that will have readers perusing bookstore shelves, looking and longing for a love (and a red notebook) of their own.

Happy first day of December! This month, it is all Christmas books for Jana! I love Christmas books, and this one was my first choice. I had heard the Dash & Lily buzz everywhere, and I was waiting until the Christmas season to start it! It was a tough wait, seeing as how I found out about it on Christmas Eve last year! I had to wait a long time! It was worth the wait, though, and I dove into it as soon as I was in bed on Thanksgiving night. 

This book is a fun little gem that is the kind of book everyone will end up reading eventually. I loved the uniqueness of the story. I would absolutely love to discover a little red notebook full of dares in my favorite bookstore! The dares were fun and unique, and put both Dash and Lily in weird positions--more so for Dash than Lily. I'll say two words about it and then leave it at that: fresh Santa. Haha! Loved it. These two were running all over New York City doing tasks, and then leaving the notebook for the other one to find. The anticipation and the mystery behind this cute exchange was incredibly fun and heartwarming to read about! The book alternates back and forth between Dash and Lily, just like the notebook does. According to the authors blurb and the end of the book, Cohn (Lily) and Levithan (Dash) e-mailed the chapters back and forth to each other and then continued writing the story as they got new content. I love that the book was created essentially the same way that the red notebook IN the book was. Pretty brilliant, if you ask me. In doing this, each author gave their own character a distinct voice. I loved the result!

Dash and Lily are very quirky characters. Dash hates Christmas, and lies to both of his divorced parents, saying that he is spending the holiday with the other. That way he can spend it alone. He's a bookish, hipster nerd whose biggest wish in life is to own his own 22-volume Oxford English Dictionary. Other than being very bookish herself, Lily is the complete opposite. She's a perky Christmas lover, but is abandoned by her parents who go to Fiji, and her brother who ignores her to spend time with his boyfriend. The exchange with Dash is the only thing that keeps her grounded. She's pretty unique. The descriptions of her outrageous outfits match the descriptions of her funny nature. Even so, she seems pretty mature for her age. Her rambunctiousness and uniqueness is a nice contrast to Dash's rather mundane existence. He's deep, and has funny things to say, but Lily is definitely the part of that duo that grabs attention just by walking down the street. I love that Dash is amused by her. It's so sweet. I love that the notebook strips them of their hiding places, and brings them out from behind their walls to really get to know each other in a way that they might not have if they had met under different circumstances.

They experience a lot of feelings and emotions together: loss, loneliness, curiosity, happiness, sadness, hope, worry, self-doubt, and they laugh a lot. They think about each other often, and try to imagine what the other one is feeling. They find themselves concerned about the other pretty much all the time. They pose important questions in the notebook, not just, "What's your favorite color?" Together, they realize that they care about each other a lot more than they thought they did. Sometimes that's a scary thing to realize, and they both know it. I enjoyed reading about a deep relationship that is so important to each of them, they spend time worrying and doubting themselves. As they wrote more to each other, they reflected on their responses. It was a quick development, but they did it with finesse. I can totally see how they fell for each other so quickly. They learned more about each other in that short time than some people learn in a year. Neither of them was perfect, but that actually ended up making them perfect for each other.

The things they said or thought were often hilarious, but they also had some very deep thoughts that made me think. One quote in particular that I just loved was thought by Lily, “You think fairy tales are only for girls? Here’s a hint—ask yourself who wrote them. I assure you, it wasn’t just the women. It’s the great male fantasy—all it takes is one dance to know that she’s the one. All it takes is the sound of her song from the tower, or a look at her sleeping face. And right away you know—this is the girl in your head, sleeping or dancing or singing in front of you. Yes, girls want their princes, but boys want their princesses just as much. And they don’t want a very long courtship. They want to know immediately.” LOVE that. It's so profound, and so true! We girls are not the only ones looking for a fairytale. 

My final thoughts: Dash and Lily is a pretty adorable book about a Christmastime romance between two unsuspecting teens who are a lot more mature than is to be expected. Throughout the red notebook's journey, these two learn things about themselves and each other. As they learn more, they grow closer. They realize perfection is not necessary, and that girls aren't the only ones who dream of fairy tales. It was a magical read for me that took place in my favorite city in the USA. I definitely recommend this to those of you who enjoy Christmas romances, but hardly ever read any because they are all SO cheesy and cover every possible emotion all at once. This book is nothing like that, and you'll love it. :) 

And on that note... It's time for me to scour the shelves of the local bookstores to see if Mr. Right has caught on to this awesome idea yet.


  1. I've seen this cover around a lot, but haven't gotten a chance to read it. Not that I don't like the book or anything, it's just I'm not sure. But after I've read your review, I want to take a chance to check it out sometime. Thank you for the honest review! AWESOME review!

    See you around!

    Books For All Seasons

  2. Sam, thanks for popping in! I'm glad you enjoyed my review. Thank you. :) I know you'll love the book. :) Let me know what you think of it!


  3. I really need to read this one - I have it, and I've been dying to read it. I think I need to make a priority soon :)

  4. Erica, do it! You'll love it. :)

  5. Oh I'm so glad this one was good, I really wanted to read it! Thanks for the review!

  6. I'm so glad you wrote a review about this. I had zero idea that it was about Christmas time and I just took it out for the library. Perfect! NYC and Christmas are two of my favorite things as well. It's nice to experience it every day even if it means I'm on my way to work. Great job! I am loving your blog. WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN HERE BEFORE? - Estelle from

  7. Estelle, you will love it! And I had no idea you live in NYC! I was there right before Christmas last year (actually, a year ago this Friday I flew out... oh man, getting sad. I want to go back!). I absolutely loved it, and could picture everything in Dash and Lily. Ooooo! SO excited to hear what you think! And I am so glad you stopped by! Thank you!

  8. I loved this book!! Such a fun and quirky little read it is :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now a follower :)

    Amy @ Following The Reader

  9. Oh my Gosh, I loved this book. Big fan of bookshops and Moleskin notebooks. Perfect book for me :)

  10. I loved this book. And Dash and Lily were both quirky. :D Glad to hear you liked it too. :D


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana