Monday, November 28, 2011

Top Ten Books On My TBR List For Winter

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares, by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
I love Christmas and NYC, so this is definitely a must-read for the holidays!

This is a cute-sounding Christmas romance that takes place in a remote town on the Lancashire moors in England. The heroine does not like Christmas much, and jumps on house sitting to get away. While she's there, the town gets snowed in and she meets a guy (obviously!). I bet love is involved. I love Christmas books!

Fairytale of New York, by Miranda Dickinson
This is part of my fall/winter reading challenge with the Goodreads college students group. The cover is snowy and cute, and I can only assume the story will be the same! And I seriously love NYC (had I mentioned that before?) :P

Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances, by John Green, Maureen Johnson, & Lauren Myracle
Do I need to explain this? Three stories written by three great YA authors? I'm so there. I tried to read this last Christmas, and got really busy... and then Christmas was over, and I refuse to read Christmas books after December 25th.

The Snow Bride, by Debbie Macomber
During the holidays, I need some corny in my life (name the movie that inspired this quote!), and Debbie Macomber always delivers some of that. :) This one sounds pretty good, though! Internet dating... an Alaskan Christmas to go randomly marry him... BUT on the flight over, she meets another guy who does not approve of her insane idea to marry this guy. So... he changes her plans for her and takes her to his own cabin. And again, a blizzard happens. And again, love probably does too. Haha. What is it with blizzards and love stories? Maybe I need to find some hunky man in a Colorado ski lodge and pray for a lot of snow.

A reader from another blog I write for, The Broke and the Bookish, recommended this book to me. I read the description on the back cover, and ordered it. It sounds funny, cute, and like a great pick-me-up for a cold, wintry day! 

Crossed (Matched #2), by Ally Condie
I've asked for this for Christmas, and it has been so hard waiting so long to find out what happens next (after Matched).

Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
This is also part of my Goodreads winter challenge, and I am completely determined. I love P&P fan fiction, but have not read P&P! I know I will appreciate all of it more once I read this. Plus, I have the sexy Barnes and Noble leather bound classic. It's so pretty!

Pure, by Julianna Baggott
I got an ARC for this from netgalley, and am pretty excited about it. It's a dystopia that sounds pretty good! Look out for my review here sometime in January!

Cinder, by Marissa Meyer
I also got this from netgalley. A cyborg Cinderella? It's a brave storyline, and I'm hoping I'll enjoy it! It comes out on January 3rd, so my review will be posted here around that time.

And of course... Pandemonium, by Lauren Oliver and Fever, by Lauren DeStefano. SO excited for both of those! 

So, what are you must-reads for the winter season? I'm always on the lookout for cozy reads. This is seriously the best time of year to always be found with your nose in a book. :)


  1. Dash and Lily's Book of Dares and Let It Snow are both fun Christmas stories. Curl up with a good book over the holidays! Ahh...


  2. I haven't read Pride and Prejudice either. I keep putting it off. I can't wait for Fever and Pandemonium! Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Need to add Cinder to my list. Loved reading Dash and Lily's Book of Dares last winter it is a perfect book to snuggle up with this time of year. Great list!

  4. Cinder is on my list. And Pride and Prejudice is excellent!
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesdays post. :)

  5. Totally love your list! I have Pure on my list too. Adding some of the books on your list ;)

    Here's my Top Ten List
    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  6. Love how diverse your list is - and the winter theme going through it too :-)

  7. I just finished Dash and Lily's Book of Dares, and it was adorable!

    Tanya, I'm a big theme reader. Haha. It makes books seem more real to me that way!

  8. I only read Pride & Prejudice last year - but it was so good! I should reread it again soon :)

  9. I'm really looking forward to reading Catching Jordan - that's a big one on my list. I am so anxious to see what you think about Crossed. So many loose ends to tie up in the third book. AHHH!

  10. I loved Let It Snow. I read it last Christmas and it was perfect. Of course, I adore all three authors, so I'm slightly biased! Crossed was one of my favorite books this year! I loved it even more than Matched!

    My Top Ten

  11. I just finished Crossed last night. I loved it and now I can't wait for the third one. I hope you enjoy it too.

  12. If you haven't yet read Pride & Prejudice, you are in for a treat. Jane Austen was such a wonderful writer. Good luck with your reading list. Hopefully we can both finish!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. AAH! How have you not read P&P yet?? And why did I not know this? Seriously, you are going to LOVE it! It's a perfect wintry/Christmas-y read, I always reread it around December/January :)
    You have some really cute sounding books on your list! Will have to check them out :)

  15. Dash & Lily is such a perfect winter read! I also really loved Cinder! I hope you enjoy all your books! :)

    My Top Ten

  16. Awesome List. I really want to read Cinder and Pure. Thanks for stopping by my blog. =]

    My Top Ten

  17. Alexa - I'm still working my way through it! The language takes a bit of getting used to, since I've been reading so much YA lately! It's great so far!

    Magan - I have not heard of Crossing Jordan. I need to look that one up. I'm pretty excited for Crossed!

    Karis - SO glad to know you loved both books. Makes me more excited to read them!

    Jenni - Glad you loved Crossed! Thanks for stopping by!

    Marla - I do love Jane's writing! Good luck on finishing your list as well!

    Daisy - I KNOW. I can't believe I haven't read it yet either! I'm really enjoying it so far, though!

    Lori - Thanks! I'm planning to stop by your list next!

    Michael - Thanks for popping over! :)

  18. I really need to read Dash & Lily! I loved other books written by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, so I'm bound to love this one. Happy reading!

    p.s. I love the layout of your blog. Super cute! :)

  19. I just picked up a copy of Crossed and I'm excited to read it although I don't remember Matched all that well. I guess I'll have to look back at my review and hope I said enough to jog my memory.

  20. I can't wait to read Pandemonium!! I loved Delirium, and I've heard Pandemonium is even better!

    Thanks for stopping by Top Ten!

  21. Let it snow is also on my winter list! I need to read it before Christmas though!
    A Beautiful Madness

  22. I haven't read any of the ones on your list, but I will be getting to my Cinder and Pure ARCs soon too! Great list! :)

  23. Chey, Dash and Lily was my first Levithan/Cohn book, and I need to read more! Nick and Norah is next! And thanks for loving my blog!

    LBC, I don't remember Matched much either. Luckily we both reviewed it!

    Eli, I hear Pandemonium has an ever worse cliffhanger than Delirium! I'm excited, but scared. I could hardly handle Delirium's ending!

    Jess, I'll be looking for your Pure and Cinder reviews! I love ARCs!

  24. Thank you for visiting my site (again)!
    LET It Snow! I need to read that, it's been on my TBR for years. I'm looking forward to see what people think of Cinder as well.
    oh and,Is the movie The Holiday?

  25. Epiphany, you're right! The movie is The Holiday! I just watched it, and it's on my mind right now. Haha.

  26. Jana, you are like my idol. Or soulmate. The Unlikely Romance was ONE of my favorite books when I was younger and I lent it to someone and never got it back. It's on my list of books to buy. I hope you love it. I remember love love loving it! - Estelle


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana