Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Top Ten Beginning and Ending Lines

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at the other blog I write for, The Broke and the Bookish.

I'm a huge fan of amazing sentences. Haha. That sounds so weird, but my two favorite sentences in a book, if done right, are the first one and the last one. I love opening a book and being sucked in immediately, and I love ending a book with an amazingly awesome feeling of closure or a thought-provoking message. Today, I'm going to select my five favorite beginnings, and my five favorite endings. And don't worry! I won't pick spoilery endings. Promise. However, right under my beginnings, you will find a list of the book endings I mention. If you have read them already, don't care to read them, or don't mind reading my non-spoilery choices, then keep going! If you're worried, then just don't continue reading. :) This way you don't have to worry!


"It has been sixty-four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure."
- Delirium by Lauren Oliver

"They called the world beyond the walls of the Pod 'the Death Shop.'"
- Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

"My life was a mistake."
- Asunder by Jodi Meadows

"What if Shakespeare had it wrong?"
- Just One Day by Gayle Forman

"Locked in darkness that surrounded me like a coffin, I had nothing to distract me from my memories."
- Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

Ok, I'm giving you the last lines of Shadow and Bone, Lola and the Boy Next Door, Time Between Us, Pandemonium, and Unremembered. Proceed at your own risk!


"When the tears came, he pulled my close and held me, until there was nothing left but ashes."
- Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

"And I hold my head high toward my big entrance, hand in hand with the boy who gave me the moon and the stars."
- Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

"And we walk down the beach toward something he's never seen before."
- Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone

- Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver (WHAT!?!?!?!)

"We take one step toward the edge and then, together, we leap."
- Unremembered by Jessica Brody

So, what do you think? Link me to your posts, and I'll come visit! 


  1. I so agree with Delirium. I mean what on Earth was that woman thinking writing a cliffhanger like that (even though I secretly loved it)?!

    I really want to read Shadow and Bone, and in fact I have it on my Kindle, but I just never seem to start actually reading it. :/ Maybe it being on your list is the push I needed.

  2. I agree with both Delirium and Pandemonium. The thing that really sucked about Pandemonium was that I bought it the day it came out and had to wait a whole year for the next lines to "Alex." I think that was when I realized that the dictionary definition of 'frustration' wasn't the most apt description.

    And i want to read Stephanie Perkins' books so bad I keep seeing them a lot on my dash and feed and they look so good!

  3. Ha! Love the Delirium/Pandemonium lines. I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a series. Bah. And the line from Lola? Swoon.

  4. Love Lola *sigh*. I have both Time Between Us and Just One Day checked out from the library now. I can't wait to read them. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

  5. Shadow and Bone. <3 So much love for that book.

    My TTT post :)

  6. Delirium and Pandemonium made it on my list as well! Great TTT! Old follower!

    My TTT:


  7. I love that last line of Unremembered! Very cool. I usually like first lines better than last because stories begin in random places, but usually end at a conclusion (usually).

    My TTT

  8. I loved the JUST ONE DAY BEGINNING. I about died at the PANDEMONIUM ending. Seriously. The wait for REQUIEM was torture!

    Great top ten :)

  9. Delirium does have a really great beginning. Awesome list. A bunch of these I haven't read yet and will now have to go check out.


You're stinkin' cute. Thanks for writing to me! ♥ - Jana